Alan Pagliere
From: Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Posted 4 Apr 2004 7:02 am
Disclaimer: this is completely unsolicited and I get no benefits from Peavey other than the great sound coming out of my amp. I'm just a happy guy.
I recently sent in my old Nashville 400 (the chassis, actually) to Peavey for work. I had been having trouble with the amp for a while. Harsh highs, kind of dirty sound, and the worst thing, a buzz that would kick in after about half an hour of being turned on. The buzz got worse and worse over time until I just couldn't stand it.
I contacted Peavey and Mike Brown told me it was indeed an old amp, could use a once over, to send it on in, that they'd get it to factory specs.
Well, it's back and the sound is clean and clear. No buzz, essentially dead quiet when I'm not playing, at any volume setting.
I know this is what an amp is supposed to be like. Like a fool, out of inertia and not wanting to be without the amp for a time, I was just "living with it." For way too long as I now see. So, this is just to say two things:
1) Don't settle; don't live with bad sound. Get that thing looked at!
2) the Peavey folks did a great job on my baby. Thanks Mike.
Alan Pagliere
MSA Millennium S12 Universal |