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Brad Sarno

St. Louis, MO USA
Post  Posted 19 Jan 2004 5:49 pm    
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Traynor YBA-1 Bass Master tube amp

Wow. What a great amp for steel. I've had the head for a while but never ran steel thru it until today when I hooked it up to my Webb/JBL cabinet and my ZB. Anyone tried one? It's a very heavy duty tube head that's pretty much a Tweed Bassman/Marshall Plexi clone. They were made from like '66 up into the mid '70s. Mine's a '69. All point to point wired, HUGE transformer... HUGE, 2 EL34 power tubes, they say it's about 80 watts but I'd guess more like 60. There seems to be a cult-like following for this amp. Lot's of info and mod ideas on the web. The tonestack is very Marshall/Fender and can easily be modified to re-voice the midrange. Stock seems to have the mid dip at around 800Hz. I may move it down to 500Hz or so like a Twin or a Webb and see how she sounds. No reverb but I bet it could be added easily, or maybe an effects send/mix for a digital reverb. These amps are cheap on Ebay. Hmmm...

Brad Sarno

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Bill Hatcher


Atlanta Ga. USA
Post  Posted 19 Jan 2004 8:57 pm    
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They are good amps. Large Hammond tformers. Hot plate voltage. Made in Canada. Break up pretty nice for loud rock and have a pretty brite sound. Rock guitar players buy them and mod them.

Should make a decent all around amp and work fine for steel with a little "edge" on the sound at beefy volume levels. Probably nicely clean at low levels.

I bought one at a thrift store for $15 and turned a nice profit on it.
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James Quackenbush


Pomona, New York, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jan 2004 7:19 pm    
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The older Traynor's are bullet proof !!..There were stories of the owner of Traynor year's ago dropping them from heights that really should have torn them up, and they STILL played....Go into channel II if you are looking for a really close tone to the old Plexi Marshalls...The circuit is VERY close..
There were 2 models...The Bassmaster , and the Bassmaster Mk II....The MkII was the higher powered version...It had a fan built into it ...The normal Bassmaster was about 50 watts and was very similar to a Blackface Bassman in channel one, and channel II had the Marshall grind...Great amps, but heavy enough to use as boat anchors !!....Jim
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