FYI..I just purchased a new MXL ( Marshall Electronics) model 2001 Large Diagphram Condensor mic afer reading many reviews concerning this low priced mic. I spent a few days reading reviews of many many low cost mics.Some brands were ruled out on the first pass...Samson being one for poor qualty and workmanship..Several of the reviews stated that the units arrived DOA.
Cost was $129 blowout including the shock mount from ZZ Sounds..which included shipping.
Ok..the test..
Considering I don't have a wealth of experience or knowledge with Condensor mics I went totally on reviews and opinions posted on the Internet. The purpose of the mic is for acoustic guitar and vocals, mainly my wifes vocals. Some of the reviews were from female artists as well..
I plugged it in and set it up with my Yamaha AW2816..phantom power on..
I did a quick sound check with my 33 year old Guild D35 acoustic. Amazing deep tone that gets better and better with each year....
I did a quick track of Merle's Sing Me Back home...made a few EQ adjustments..then put 2 vocal tracks over the acoustic..
Folks..this low cost mic is really quite good..the playback of the acoustic and vocals far surpasses anything and everything I have ever recorded at home with the acoustic and my crummy vocals..very rich low end and crisp hi's..
I am certain that the AW2816 has something to do with the overall quality but the reproduction of the guitar and voice is quite good.
My wife listened to ( reviewed) my 45 second track and pretty much was really impressed with the tonal quality..and she is very tough on recordings, especially mine..
Ok..I'm a fan of the low cost MXL least the model 2001...very attractive mic body and mount as well..
Is it to be compared with many of the hi priced mics? Probably not..but it certainly can compliment an effective home studio.
by the way I am using MAudio SP5's as first reference
just a heads-up..
tp[This message was edited by Tony Prior on 29 October 2003 at 05:22 AM.]