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Author Topic:  MPX 100 Users ----- Rev/Del ???
Andy Schick

Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 19 Oct 2003 4:16 pm    
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Can I get select a Rev of choice and set my favorite Delay and store to get both at the same time? Or am I limited in this way?
Thanks Andy
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Lee Baucum

McAllen, Texas (Extreme South) The Final Frontier
Post  Posted 20 Oct 2003 9:02 am    
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Andy - While the MPX 100 has some really wonderful sounding reverbs and equally wonderful sounding delays, the dual programs don't really offer (IMHO) any decent reverb/delay combinations. Variation #11, Stereo Quarter Note + Medium Space works fairly well with steel. I resorted to adding a cheap delay unit (Phonic) to my rack to give me the delays only and I use the Lex for reverbs and/or Chorus/Reverb (light on the chorus, though).

Lee, from South Texas
Down On The Rio Grande

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Dave Robbins


Cottontown, Tnn. USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 20 Oct 2003 8:02 pm    
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while the Lexicon is one of the best for "reverbs", I found a setting that I have really been enjoying for stereo use, whether using two amps, or going direct to the studio board. Instead of trying to get a compromise from a delay/reveb setting, or having to add another unit, I instead use the #15 setting of the "Delay, Echo Variation" called "Multi Repeat". It gives repeats instead of any reverb, but at random intervals, in stereo. By just thumping a string you will hear repeats going all over the place behind you, but when you play they all seem to run together and give a nice fat sound that sounds like reverb. Adjust the number of repeats so that they aren't too lengthy or too short, and set the mix to the amount of effect that you want. The delay time can be slowed or sped up according to what you might prefer. I generally use a slower setting for slow songs and shorten the delay time for faster songs by turning the "adjust" knob. You will be using "random repeats" instead of reverb. It is cleaner sounding to my ear and doesn't tend to wash out the sound. One nice thing I have noticed is that out in the room it doesn't sound cavernous to the listener, yet sitting right at the steel it can really sound as big as you want it.
It's a setting that is not for the faint of heart, but if used correctly and not over done, can sound great, even better than reverb, and can be a lot of fun.

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