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Author Topic:  Anyone tried the Nashville 112 with guitar?
Tony Harris


Post  Posted 29 Sep 2003 8:23 am    
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Anyone tried the Nashville 112 with guitar? I can't really justify buying a new amp just for steel, as I play mostly guitar...
Do you pros who double take two amps onstage with you?
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Jesse Harris


Ventura, California, USA
Post  Posted 29 Sep 2003 11:42 am    
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I almost always have to play guitar and steel, I have tried many combinations to try to get to one amp and have found that it never really works out, the problem is that you only have one speaker system to mic, I played a virbrasonic for a while and the tone was great but the soundmen always complained because if they just put one mic on the cabinet they were constantly having to change settings when I switched instruments, even though the volume was close to the same level, the EQs and FXs they used were different for steel and in my case telecaster. so what I ended up doing for a while was they would set up 2 mics on the same cabinet, each with different settings for each instrument, but the problem with this approach was that they would have to remember to mute one and un-mute the other everytime I switched, they didnt like that. So eventually I went back to using 2 amps.
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Tony Harris


Post  Posted 30 Sep 2003 8:25 am    
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Thanks Jesse, and I'd like to hear from anybody else. Also, just what makes a steel amp a steel amp? Is it just more clean headroom? Didn't the Vibrasonic have a guitar channel and a steel channel? Did the steel channel have a different EQ? I thought someone once told me the Vibrasonic was just a Twin in a different cab...?
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 30 Sep 2003 8:41 am    
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Tony, I have had the chance to use the Nashville 112 with my Tele and with my steel in a small club. The 80 watt power rating was sufficient for steel and for the guitar, but I never really got the tone settings at
"happy medium". But, I think that I could have gotten pretty close that what I needed with a 5 or 7 band equalizer pedal. It wasn't far off from my preference.
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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 30 Sep 2003 10:31 am    
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I must say that I'm very happy with my NV1000 - unlike the 400 (which has a rotten Tele sound however much I might alter the settings!), it's great for both my Emmons and my Tele. All I do is roll off a little of the low-end when I play the Fender.

The only other steel amp that I've found tolerable for both is my old '84 Evans FET500.

I've decided I'm going to get a second 1000 - just looking for the right price!

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Rick McDuffie


Benson, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 30 Sep 2003 1:15 pm    
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I've had a bunch of experiments, with no real success. BUT, the next thing I'm going to try is a Dual Showman or Twin. These are true two-channel amps with plenty of power and headroom... The only drawback is lack of reverb on the "normal" channel, but I can go through my Profex II to get that.

Heretofore, I've been using a Nashville 1000 sitting on top of a Peavey Ranger (a GREAT tube amp!). This is an ideal setup for me, but it's really a lot of weight to move around. If I could get down to one amp, it would be GREAT! Frankly, I'm not sure I'm willing to compromise tone for less poundage. Stay tuned.

OH, I also love the sound of a 15" for steel, but not so much for guitar... can't beat 2 12's for guitar. I don't think this will ever be resolved...

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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 1 Oct 2003 6:36 am    
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I forgot that I have taken just a Ranger 212 amp and used it for both steel and guitar as there wasn't much room onstage. I thought that it sounded exceptionally good, but a few times I heard the 12" speakers bottom out. I liked the Ranger for use with a Tele though.
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