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Author Topic:  How do I do an EQ if I get a small bass amp?
Nicholas Dedring


Beacon, New York, USA
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2003 8:28 am    
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I've been thinking about getting a small bass combo amp to take out for practice etc. with people. It is such a hassle hauling the Session 400 LTD around... I've heard that some bass gear, like the Hartke Kickback 10 is not a bad compromise, I assume it must be able to handle lows if it's a bass amp, right?

So, the question is: how do you deal with cutting the frequencies you cut with the steel-centric EQ if you use a bass combo? Where do you deal with the settings? Do I figure on getting a separate graphic EQ in line to make it work? Any advice would be appreciated on this...
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Darvin Willhoite

Roxton, Tx. USA
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2003 10:27 am    
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I have a Peavey Basic 60 bass amp with a 12" speaker that I've used with steel. I used a Boss SE-50 for EQ and effects, it sounded really good. It was not much lighter than my LTD 400. It was not much smaller either. I just sold a Peavey Studio Pro 110 that sounded surprisingly good with a steel. It only weighed 29 Lbs, and was quite a bit smaller than my other Peaveys, and is rated at 65 watts. It only has a 10" speaker, but still handled C6th pretty good. You may want to consider something like this.

Darvin Willhoite
Riva Ridge Recording
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