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Author Topic:  Piezo pickup want work with my amp!
Wayne Carver


Martinez, Georgia, USA
Post  Posted 8 May 2003 10:32 am    
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I put a piezo pickup on my mandolin and plugged it in my Omnifex amp and you could barely hear it even with a preamp. It works fine in a friends Johnson amp even without the preamp. Does it have something to do with high or low impedance inputs? Are preamps of different types? Mine is a cheap little thing i bought on ebay.
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 10 May 2003 5:47 pm    
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I never knew Omnifex made amplifiers! (I've only seen their pedals and other accessories.) It should be easy to tell where the problem is, though. Did you replace the battery in the preamp? Are you sure the preamp works at all? Test it, with just a cord plugged into your amp, and set the volume low enough to hear a faint buzz when you touch the jack tip. Now plug the preamp into the amp, and do the same thing...touching the tip of a cord plugged into the preamp. (The buzz should be very loud.) Piezo pickups normally need a preamp, as the voltage produced by them is very small. Is this a preamp designed for a piezo pickup? An impedance mismatch could indeed cause a problem.

[This message was edited by Donny Hinson on 10 May 2003 at 06:50 PM.]

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Wayne Carver


Martinez, Georgia, USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2003 6:39 pm    
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Donny, I haven't found anything about my Omnifex amp searching on the net, just lots of info on effects though the trademark way of writing it on the amp is the same. My preamp which I gave to a friend seemed to work with his amp ie the bass treble gain controls. It is a Signalflex SF1000. All I could find out about it while doing a search is it has active preamp circuitry. I am making a solid body bass with weedeater strings and will be using a piezo under the bridge. I saw a Behringer bass amp with passive and active inputs. I thought that might be pretty versatile since I would need a bass amp. I really don't want to spend the money on a preamp since the Omnifex amp ain't all that great to begin with.
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