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Author Topic:  problem with transtubefex


Mobile , AL
Post  Posted 28 Apr 2002 9:34 pm    
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I am having a problem with some of my presets distorting.Its the ones that start with TB in the front of the chain.(jimmy day, gary hogue,l.green, jack stoner), all the newman ones are fine. Probably has something to do with a level being too high but i dont know how to fix it.Any help would be great.
thanks, trap
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 30 Apr 2002 11:07 am    
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Hello Trap,
You can check the signal for clipping in a number of different places in the chain of effects. But, the first place that you would check for clipping is the input. As you know, there is a "clip" light at the input that allows you to determine if your source signal is clipping or not. But, there is also a function on the GLOBAL page that allows you to check for clipping anywhere in the signal chain. To get to this page, press the GLOBAL button until your see, BYPASS MODE. The blinking cursor should be positioned under "BY" on the bottom line. Press the right arrow key twice and the cursor should be positioned under "MTR", which is the abbreviation for METER. By hitting the UP or DOWN buttons, you can place this meter between each of the effects in the chain to check the signal for clipping.

Hope that this helps.

Mike Brown
Peavey Electronics Corporation
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