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Littleton, CO USA
Post  Posted 28 Nov 2001 4:56 pm    
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As I have stated in previous posts, I am getting ready to make the plunge into recording.
I will be recording myself on steel, my wife on grand piano, keyboard and acoustic guitar. Our intent is to be able to use the DAW for practice, and producing a useable CD. I have CD-R/RW capability in my computer but have ruled out a computer based system, except for cutting final CD.
My "short" list is:
Tascam 788, Roland VS1880 or 880, Korg D12. Also looking at the Roland BR-8 and CDX-1, and the perhaps the Tascam 424III Porta Studio. Roland also has the BR-532, but I don't know that the "Smart Media" will provide enough storage. Right now I think I want something with an internal hard-drive, but could be convinced otherwise.
I am looking for y'all to provide me with some firsthand observations on the equipment I have identified and to let me know if I have missed something. From your expierence, what are the strong points and weak points of these systems?
Thanks in advance for the great info I am sure to receive.

Allen Harry
Mullen D-10, 8 & 6
Nashville 1000

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 28 Nov 2001 5:57 pm    
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I've been using a Fostex VF16 for about 3 months and I've been impressed with it, for the price. (less than $1000). It is "16" track but only 8 at a time. You can record 8 tracks and then "move" them and do 8 more. It also has an option for internal mixdown, internal effects, click track, etc.

We are going to start another CD project tomorrow evening. The singer wants to do a Wynn Stewart tribute album (he was friends with Wynn) and a gospel CD.

I also have a Tascam 424MKII and for a cassette 4 track analog machine it is probably the best one on the market. The MKIII (current production model) is selling for $399.
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Kevin Mincke

Farmington, MN (Twin Cities-South Metro) USA
Post  Posted 28 Nov 2001 11:08 pm    
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I have the Roland 880VS as the bass player on our worship team is a Roland Rep. He has recorded several different projects from church & I like the end result. I have become comfortable in watching/learning from him while using this, although he has the 1880 of course!
Like Jack, I also have an older model 4-trk Yamaha "Producer Series" recorder that I started with and is also for sale if anyone is interested.
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Jay Ganz

Out Behind The Barn
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2001 9:15 am    
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Harmony Central "recording" Forums have
a ton of info. That's at >>>>
There's alot of newer models, each with
advantages & disadvantages....Korg, Akai,
Yamaha, Roland, Fostex etc. etc.
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Olli Haavisto

Post  Posted 29 Nov 2001 11:36 pm    
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Don``t exclude the Akai DPS 16 from your list.Very easy to use,great sound!

Olli Haavisto
Polar steeler

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Littleton, CO USA
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2001 10:40 am    
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Jack, Can you expand your thoughts on the Fostex VF16? Also do you have any info/impressions on the VF08?

Olli, Thanks for the input on the Akai. Do you have any specific positive or negative comments?

Thanks, Allen

[This message was edited by Allen on 30 November 2001 at 05:34 PM.]

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Miguel e Smith


Phoenix, AZ
Post  Posted 8 Dec 2001 11:12 am    
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Most everything available today has its' strengths and weaknesses and those are really based on what your short and long-term uses will be for a DAW. However, right now is a most incredible time to consider the Paris system by EMU. The manufacturer of the chip that in on the PCI card has stopped making it and so Paris is blowing out all the remaining systems. They will still sell the perifs and software and it is widely believed that Paris will come out with a native card soon. This is a pro system and has the best sounding A to D converters I've heard in this aea. Right now, the basic system is being sold at just under $2,000 and is for the PC or Mac platform (the basic system was right at $5,000!). You can check it out at wwww.emu.com and follow the links.
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