Wade Terral
From: DeKalb, Tx USA
Posted 1 Aug 2001 5:34 pm
Hi Mike,
I have a Tubefex and DPC1000. Ihad it on for about an hour last night, everything was going fine then the A chanel cut out and started buzzing. I switched the cables from the T-fex(A&B) and it remained the same, then switched cables on the DPC1000 and the buzz changed speakers, so I assume it is the amp. The signal light on the amp remains red. Think I need to bundle it up and send it home?? Thanks, Wade |
Mike Brown
From: Meridian, Mississippi USA
Posted 2 Aug 2001 6:45 am
Hello Wade,
Thanks for using Peavey products. Make sure that this problem is not caused by a cable even though you swapped them between channels. Other than that, our tech states that a service tech needs to bench check it. If you wish to send it to the factory, send it with a note of symptoms(or print off this post) to;
Peavey Service Center
Hwy. 80 East
Meridian, MS 39301
Thanks. |