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Author Topic:  Please tell me about my Sho-Bud amp?
Al Terhune

Newcastle, WA
Post  Posted 11 Jun 2001 5:29 pm    
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My brother was generous and kind enough to buy a solid-state Sho-Bud amp for me last year at an auction. It's like a Vegas in that it has two separate drives, one "normal" and the other for "tremelo" (both can be played simultaneously -- not that I, personally, can play two instruments at once, but it's nice to have that other side for a guitar at your disposal). The controls are in the front, upper-left, and light up in pretty colors of blue and green, with the reverb knob lit in white, and the Sho-Bud logo in red. It's got a 15" JBL. I'll never sell it, as it was a gift, but I would like to know what it's worth, if it is a hard-to-find amp, or, in the alternative -- and I'll keep a stiff, upper lip -- if it's really not that desirable.
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Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 11 Jun 2001 5:42 pm    
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It's official name is the Dual Channel, but everyone calls it a "Christmas Tree" amp because of all the purty li'l lights. They were made in the early 70's, and are around 70 watts of power, though some were 100W. The amp was designed by Kenneth Cain and is a dual channel version of his Single Channel amp, which had 5 control knobs across the front top end, in traditional combo amp form. The Single Channel is found both as a Sho~Bud product and as a Cain Custom.

Both of these amps sound beautiful and are very sought-after, IMHO. I own both a Christmas Tree and a Cain Custom (single channel), both with D130F's. You will find many fans of the Christmas Tree on this forum.

I've seen more Dual Channels than I have seen Single Channels, and one SC went for $550 on eBay recently. I've sold a couple of CT's in the last few years for slightly less than that, but they are getting harder to find as more guys realize they are sweet amps. And the value of the amp is also determined by the fact that a D130F-8 is a very desireable speaker, worth $250 by itself.

So, you've received a very nice gift, IMHO.

Herb's Steel Guitar Pages
Texas Steel Guitar Association

[This message was edited by Herb Steiner on 11 June 2001 at 06:51 PM.]

[This message was edited by Herb Steiner on 11 June 2001 at 06:52 PM.]

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