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Author Topic:  Phase Shifter On Profex II
Quesney Gibbs


Anniston, AL
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2001 1:58 pm    
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Does anyone have a setting on the Profex II that might equate the shifter on the Session 500. I used to use that effect a good bit but my Session was stolen and I have never been to find anything on the Profex to come close. I now use a Nashville 400 but with the Profex hooked up that's sort of a moot point because the Profex bypasses the amp settings. My amp settings are now all zeros.
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Bobby Boggs


Upstate SC.
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2001 6:40 pm    
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I never could come up with a very good phase shifter program for a Profex II.But the Tubefex and Transtube Fex have a Killer phase shifter.Much better than than the Session 500,more like the old MXR.Make ya sound just like Buddy in the 70's. The first part of this reply is the truth. Actually the second part is to if you have the chops.BTW I don't have the chops either but still enjoy playing along with the Gatton Redneck jazz CD and all that 70's stuff he did. My best----bb
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Quesney Gibbs


Anniston, AL
Post  Posted 8 Jun 2001 4:05 am    
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Paul Graupp


Macon Ga USA
Post  Posted 9 Jun 2001 9:09 am    
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Bobby; Just the other day, I was telling Jack Stoner how I'd put the Shifter after the factory string called VIBRATO on a Tube-Fex. It seems to give it that old Duane Eddy bite and last night I got to play Rebel Rouser for the first time. Now if we can find a bass player that can keep up and play the right changes for the modulations, we'll have another oldy/but/goodie for our bag.

Regards Paul
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