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Post  Posted 5 Jan 2001 8:54 pm    
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First - I'll tell you what happened: I inadvertently plugged the line out of my guitar into one of the amp outputs on my volume pedal. So what I had was a line out to the amp, marked "amp", the second "amp" line was RECEIVING my guitar cord and the "Inst" instrument input had nothing in it. Here's the question: why did this work? I played that way for over an hour before I realized what I had done. Seems to me that if those amp lines are lines OUT of the pedal, then I shouldn't have been able to hear my guitar. It sounded pretty good, too. Whazzup?!

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Bill Crook


Goodlettsville, TN , Spending my kid's inheritance
Post  Posted 6 Jan 2001 12:24 am    
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Due to the fact tha most volumne pedals are a passive device, naturally nothing bad would happen. (we wont go into the electronic stufff of the amps here)

What you have done is a modified version of what is commonly known as a "3-cord set-up" I mean the guitar is pluged stright into the amp, (signal cord #1) and then the volumne pedal cords (signal cords 2 and 3)are pluged into the patch in/out jacks. This in effect, allows the full signal strenght of the pick-up to be presented to the 1st stage amp at ALL times and the volumne level is controlled at the X level stage of the amp. Henceforth, the tone isn't rolled off at the lower volumne levels. (read this as: the brillence (sp) of the upper strings dosen't sound "muddy" as the sound level is decreased.

A number of players I know use this technic with the "Nashville 400" amp and other amps that have "Patch" jacks.

Experiment around with this setup and maby you can find a sound you like. Caution tho: NEVER, NEVER attempt to put the speaker output jack back into any other jack of the amp !! This WILL result in the TOTAL distruction of your ampifier.
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