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Author Topic:  Effects & Volume
Kit Graham


Port Matilda, Pa. USA
Post  Posted 19 Sep 2000 10:07 am    
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Hi everyone again,

I haven't posted for a long time and they lost me... but I haven't forgotton being here.
Now, for my proplem.....
I play with a small gospel group in my area, and have a two fold problem. Evevn though they use a Sound System, neither of my two amp can get low enough in volume to keep from overpowering them a little. OR when I do hit a volume acceptable, the revereb loses it hollowness, making it sound more tinny rather than keeping that haunting echo I prefer.
I use either a Peavy Bandit(65 watt, my preferred amp for this group), or a Peavy Artist (The old 120 watt tube unit)which needs some desparate pot work.
Keeping in mind I don't have a lot of cash, and since we are just starting out, don't have any momey for additional equipment, anyone have an inexpensive solution??
Not asking a lot, am I?
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