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Author Topic:  Old Steel Can Someone Tell me What it is
Bill Taft


Sturgeon Mo. USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 24 May 2001 3:42 pm    
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I came across an old steel the other day, it's two slabs of birdseye maple one neck just a little higher then the other. It is a six string on each neck with 4 legs and this thing is heavy. I thought it was homemade but a friend of mine has doubts about that.
Just to the left of each pickup there is two 8" chrome plates and a slide control for the tone and another one for the volume. It's not a knob it's a 4-5" black plastic control.
The keys are the well type and through the middle of the keys there's a thin nicely made peice of wood on each neck.
The outer neck has a name Jeffrey on that small peice of wood. On the inside neck in between the keys on the wood I beleive it says Vaughn. Now that could be the guy that owned it I just dont know, but if anyone out there thinks they know what this is by what I've explained please contact me. I do have photos, but will not send unless someone thinks they have seen something like this, then I can email them a picture.
Thanks for any help you may give me.

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