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Author Topic:  Help needed for speaker hookup for Peavy Session 500
tim duvall


Post  Posted 7 Jul 2000 4:06 am    
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I bought a black widow speaker for a session 500 amp and am having trouble hooking it up. I got the amp free when i bought a guitar so i needed to buy a speaker cord. I saw that there were 2 hookups in the back of the amp one for internal speaker and one for external speaker. Not knowing any different, i went and bought a twin wire hookup so that I have a hookup in both the internal and external speaker hookups. However when I go to hookup the speaker, i can't get the speaker to work. What do I need to do? Is there a specific wire that I need to get or how do I hook this thing up? I had a radio shack speaker that worked fine when hooked up but i want to do it right.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 7 Jul 2000 4:13 am    
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You only need to run from the "internal speaker" to the speaker. The other jack would only be used if you had a separate cabinet with another speaker.

You should have a "standard" tip/ring 1/4" plug with #16 wire running to the speaker. Although it doesn't matter with just one speaker, run the tip (hot) to the + on the speaker and ring (ground) to the -.
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Tim Rowley


Pinconning, MI, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jul 2000 10:56 pm    
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Tim, use good quality 16 gauge cable and a good quality Switchcraft brand angle plug to make up your speaker cable. DO NOT use shielded audio coaxial cable or a "guitar cord" as the tiny center conductor cannot carry the current. DO NOT use a cheap molded plug in this application because with the amp turned up the molded plug can get so hot it will melt. Remember, the Session 500 is tremendously powerful for a combo amp and it needs a good strong pathway to carry its signal to the speaker. Obviously the speaker itself has to be big and strong to handle all the power the 500 can dish out. And even then, in an open-back enclosure it is possible with an extremely low frequency note to blow one of the lead wires off the cone of a Black Widow speaker, rendering it silent. Let common sense be your guide and your Session 500 should last you a long time. Good Luck! Tim R.

[This message was edited by Tim Rowley on 07 July 2000 at 11:58 PM.]

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