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Author Topic:  Upgrade help needed


Edinburgh, UK
Post  Posted 16 May 2001 5:19 am    
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It's upgrade time for my Epiphone Spider, as the Red Cross parcel arrived
from Janet Davis music this morning. So, some advice needed.

First things first, the manufacture of the Epi is appalling. Glue and rough
wood everywhere; shims above and below the soundwell. Worse, the "lip"
where the cone rests is seriously deteriorated in parts (where the neck
joins the body it's pretty much splintered plywood held together by
lashings of glue). This section has a 1/4 inch gap from the rest of the
lip... what should I use to fill this section, so the new Quarterman fits

Apart from that, I'm installing a new bone nut, which I'll try and get cut
at lunchtime, and new saddle. I have slotted birch and unslotted maple. Any
advice on which I should go with? What's the traditional wood for the
saddle? What about mixing and matching (and if so, which wood for
treble/bass side)?

Oh, and any other tips greatly appreciated.


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