Joe, there were some changes and improvements during our first year-1999. Nothing has changed since we started building the new 2000 pedal. We have upgraded most of the 1999 pedals, free of charge, for the customer. I don't think there is going to be any more changes, because people are loving the sound, and we are having no failures. It is kind of hard for us to believe. We have had Zero mechanical or electrical failures since we came out with the new 2000 pedals. Even Ford, Chevy ,or Peavey, has a failure or a re-call every now and then. Zero failures of any kind 4 months into the year is a pretty good record for our pedal. I doubt that we can maintain that good of a record for the whole year. If something happens ,we are hear ready to fix what ever problem you have. There is a year's guarantee on parts and labor. You can purchase an addtional 2 years protection.
[This message was edited by Keith Hilton on 30 April 2000 at 10:21 PM.]