The Profex II has only one internal battery. However, the optional Cache Card 32 ram cartridge has a small watch type battery that the user can change out. This battery can be purchased at a local retail outlet in your area. When this battery is replaced, be sure to save all programs to the internal memory bank of your Profex II, Tubefex or Transtube Fex. All data will be lost when this battery is replaced. The Profex II battery has to be replaced by a tech that has good soldering skills. The battery can be purchased through the Peavey parts department by calling (601)483-5365 and asking for "Parts Please".
In the meantime, if I can assist you with any questions that you might have, please let me know. I can be reached at 1-877-732-8391. Thanks for using Peavey.[This message was edited by Mike Brown on 28 April 2000 at 07:32 AM.]