With regard to my pedal setup! It always bugged me when I set the dials on my pedals and find the sweet spots and then the dial settings get messed up when storing the pedals away. It also bugs me to hook up several pedals together with the tuner & power supply. Talk about an electicians nightmare with wire running all over the place. I now use a Boss 3 pedal case with an RV-3 and DD-3 and TU-12H tuner with a Boss TU12-H power supply all neatly mounted in this durable plastic case. The case has a removable locking cover, when shut it protects the dials on the pedals from moving. The Boss three pedal case sells for $28.00 and is available through various catalogs. I have a CAD drawing and description of this setup if anyone is interested.
Len Amaral
[This message was edited by Len Amaral on 23 January 2000 at 08:14 PM.]
[This message was edited by Len Amaral on 23 January 2000 at 08:15 PM.]