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Author Topic:  Nic du Toit & Joe Recrosio Meet The Shadows
Burr Oxley


Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 14 Jun 2006 8:59 am    
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I purchased the CD "Into the Shadows" by SGF member Nic du Toit and have had a chance to give it a listen.

I think that anyone thinking of purchasing the CD can appreciate the fresh point of view afforded the Shadows tunes by Nic & Joe. The songs are treated respectfully, but from a mature and updated perspective.

I received my CD about 10 days after ordering it by e-mail. Except for a crack in the "jewel case," the CD arrived just fine and has proved to be worth every penny paid for it.

Nic DOESN'T play steel on this CD, but instead plays "piano, keyboards, organ, and a variety of basses." Joe Recrosio "used and abused a vast variety of guitars." (Quotes from the liner notes of this CD.)

If Nic replies to this post, I'm sure he will include the information for acquiring this CD. It's well worth a try, IMO! Twenty bucks well-spent!
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Nic du Toit

Milnerton, Cape, South Africa
Post  Posted 15 Jun 2006 5:03 am    
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Thanks Burr !.....Here is South Africa we still have a number of groups trying to emulate "The Shadows". However, Joe and I decided to use some of their (Shadows) songs and approach it from a totally different musical angle. We even received a 'phone call, as well as a letter, from Bruce Welsch to say how much he enjoyed our efforts. Not bad for a couple of foreigners
Just click on the link in my signature to listen to some short mp3s.

Nic du Toit
1970 P/P Emmons D10 Fatback 8x5
Peavey Session 500 unmodfied

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