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Author Topic:  Knebworth '74 Allmans, Van Morrison etc
Matt Dawson


Luxembourg, Europe
Post  Posted 15 Jun 2006 1:46 pm    
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Knebworth '74 was the first big show I ever went to...
What a line up!

Allman Bros
Doobie Bros
Van Morrison
Tim Buckley
Sensational Alex Harvey Band
Mahavishnu Orchestra (with J.Maclaughin & J-L Ponty)

I just got the boxed set of the whole gig put out by Fred Bannister (the promoter). The sound quality varies (Tim Buckley suffers most in this regard) but the Van and Allmans sets are superb! Van was in a good mood and played a great set (lots of sax) This was the 4 piece with Peter Van Hooke & Pete Wingfield. Tim Buckley was in his funky 'greetings from LA' period and it may have been one of his last shows. The Allmans had just brought out Brothers & Sisters & Greg's 'Laid Back' and were at the peak of the Chuck Leavell incarnation. Only show EVER in England.
Probably only of interest to those who were there because of the patchy sound quality, but it brought the memories flooding back. A very poignant moment when Greg dedicates the concert to Duane & Berry...
It comes with a 3 CD's a DVD and Fred Bannister's excellent book about his career as a top promoter (with original poster and ticket)! £75 well spent.
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