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Author Topic:  Stringmaster Help
scott anderson


Post  Posted 2 Jan 2001 10:51 am    
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The knobs I thought were Vol & Tone. But the one I have seem to be working together there is some tone change but you turn them down and turns off all sound. it like they are both vol & tone is it one for ea P/U ??the knob under the bridge cover will change the tone alot. how should they work??
I am playing it through a nash 400 how would you set the amp? I have just been running all the knobs straight up. any thoughts from you guys would be great

Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2001 12:15 pm    
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Hey Scott the Blend knob under the cover will put more load towards one of the pickups and more load towards the other if turned the other direction. So there will be a tone diff. as you push the signal from one pickup to the other.
Now the Vol and Tone knobs work like this.
The Vol knob should be the one closest to your finger when playing. That pot should slowly taper the volume up and down; but some just crack full on as soon as you open it up. The Tone knob is a 1 meg pot; so it will be very quick to open up. So I just leave the volume all the way on(Clockwise) and leave the tone on(clockwise) and adjust the blend knob for the overall tone of the instrument I want(from warmer to brighter); then if I want the effect of the tone knob; I will reach over and turn it all the way down and hit a chord then crack the knob open; for the Boo-waa effect. The volume knob of the instrument always stays on for these effects to work to the max.
I hope that helps you some pal.

Ricky Davis

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Dave Brophy


Miami FL
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2001 12:42 pm    
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To clarify what Ricky said about which knob is which,the arrangement is
X-selector switch
0-Volume knob
0-Tone knob

Just like a Telecaster.
Turn your tone knob all the way up and see if your volume knob works now.
As Ricky said,the tone knob is 1 meg and mainly doesn't do much but the boo-wah effect.I wanted more out of my tone knob and was willing to give up the boo-wah effect,so I changed it to a 250k pot.It works fine,but the blend knob still makes more dramatic changes in tone.
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scott anderson


Post  Posted 2 Jan 2001 3:40 pm    
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Thanks for the info. I'll go home tonight and try it out.

Thanks again


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