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Author Topic:  What Difference Does It Make?
Tom Olson


Spokane, WA
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2001 6:41 pm    
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Happy New Year to All!

I am a beginner lap steeler and I have a fairly recent Regal RD45S guitar. The sound guality is OK, but not quite as good as some of the Dobros that I hear on some of my CD recordings.

I would like to improve the sound quality of my Regal if possible. At the present time it is bone stock -- it even still has the factory-supplied strings. It has a spun resonator cone and what appear to be maple bridge inserts. It also appears to be pretty well-set up. That is, there are no rattles or buzzes, etc. Some of the lower strings don't have much tone -- especially in the higher registers.

From what I understand, there are various parts substitutions that can be made which will improve the tone.

-- for one thing, I've heard that a nice set of phosphor-bronze strings will improve the tone.

-- another thing which seems popular is to put in a Quarterman cone in place of the stock one.

-- also, the spider bridge can be replaced.

-- finally, I see that there are various types of bridge inserts available, such as maple, with ebony edges (like a banjo).

My question is, to what extent will each of these part substitutions improve the sound of a cheap guitar like mine? Specifically, I'm wondering if it's worth it to get a Quarterman cone. What is it about a Quarterman that makes it better than a stock spun cone? How is the Quarterman different?

Thanks to all,

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Aaron Schiff


Cedaredge, CO, USA
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2001 8:52 pm    
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Tom, check out Paul Beard's Resophonic Outfitters. I think they are on the web under beardguitars.com. Paul has a catalog with a lot more than is on his website and every thing you could possibly need. A Quarterman cone often takes some trimming to fit in a new Regal 45, and some of the other modifications take a little knowledge. I spoke with him a couple weeks ago and it seemed that for $200 you could get the complete works done by him. He calls it his "retrofit and upgrade" package (bone nut, maple/ebony saddles, Quarterman cone, setup, the whole shebang. The cost of all the materials is almost the same and you get the work done by the best. I'm going to have him do my Fender as soon as I get the money together. Phosphor bronze strings are a big plus.
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Tom Olson


Spokane, WA
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2001 10:52 am    
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Thanks Aaron,

I'll check out the Beard site and try to get a catalog. Thanks for your tips.

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