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Author Topic:  Longer Fingers for Christmas!!!
Tab Tabscott

Somewhere between Vashon Island and The mainland.
Post  Posted 29 Nov 2000 7:30 am    
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I was wathcing the Rob Ickes Homespun video and was amazed at the size of his hands. I'm 6'3" and my hands are tiny compared to his. On camera, it looks like the Scheerhorn bar is only as long as the inner two segments of his index finger. And the last segment of that same finger sticks out about an inch past the end of the bar. It looks like that's a big part of that cool "poppy" sort of sound that's his trademark.
The only other person that I have ever seen with fingers longer than Rob's was Mark O'Connor. His fingers are like the Grinch's!!!

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Tab Tabscott
"Bud Carter is a demi-god"
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Ian McLatchie


Sechelt, British Columbia
Post  Posted 30 Nov 2000 5:11 pm    
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Of course, many of the great musicians have hands that look like they were sculpted by Michelangelo, and a reach twice that of a normal human being (Earl Hines supposedly had an honest reach of a 13th[!] on the piano). On the other hand (no pun intended), it's some consolation to know it ain't always so.
I met Carlos Montoya years ago, and was shocked when I shook his hand to discover what stubby little paws he really had. I must admit, though, that it's also a nice security blanket to be able to blame our own limitations on our physical apparatus (dang, if I only had muscles as springy as Vince Carter I just know I could play in the NBA...).
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