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Author Topic:  Country Dance Styles Songs
Ben Slaughter

Madera, California
Post  Posted 12 Nov 2004 2:55 pm    
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How, musically, are "dance" style songs defined? I'm talking about traditional country dances, shuffle, two-step, cha-cha, ten-step, etc. I know very little about dances, but should, since we sometimes define songs as dances. I'm looking for the musical definition, like time sig, tempo range, where the kick and snare would fall. Are they defined that way? Is there any literature out there?

Zum D10, NV400, TubeFex, POD, G&L Guitars, etc, etc.
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Gregg Thacker

Pasadena, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 12 Nov 2004 9:15 pm    
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Hi Ben,I beleive that dances shuch as the shuffle would be 4/4 time (Bass Drum would be 1,2,3,4 / Snare would be on 2 and 4); The Waltz would be 3/4 time (Bass Drum would be on the 1st beat and snare would be on 2 and 3 or brushed on 2 and 3); The Two-Step would be 2/4 (Bass Drum would be on beats 1 and 3 and the Snare on beats 2 and 4). Not sure sure about the Cha-Cha except 1,2,cha-cha-cha. Have'nt heard about the other dance that you mentioned. Hopefully someone will be able to set the record straight.

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