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Jimmie Misenheimer


Bloomington, Indiana - U. S. A.
Post  Posted 25 Mar 2004 7:54 pm    
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I'm setting around doing nothing tonight, so I thought I'd share something with you. This may not be "great", but it IS a true story.
In a time peroid about ten years ago, I was playing an "Opry" type show in the little "tourist-type" town of Nashville, Indiana. We did the usual grind - one show on Friday, and two shows on Saturday.
This one particular early Summer Saturday afternoon, I had walked around front to get a Coke. The people would start showing up earlier in the afternoon for the six o'clock show, and if any of the musicians were around, it was very common for people to come up and talk to them.
As I was standing there, a man walked up and started a conversation, about nothing really. I suppose that we talked for ten minutes or more. When our conversation ended, he excused himself with some form of the usual " I'd better let you go so you can go get tuned up", or something like that.
I had plenty of time, and so while I was still standing there, a second gent came up. We spoke maybe five minutes or so. It was during our conversation that I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the FIRST man was looking at us with a "questioned" look on his face. Then I came to relize that he wasn't looking at me, but rather at the second man.
As soon as the second man walked a few steps away, the first man walked over to him and said, "Excuse me, but you sure remind me of someone". The second man said,"Well, I dont' know - are you from here?" The first man told him that he was from Northen Indiana. The second man then said that he was from Western Illinois, but he and his wife always went to the "Smokies" every year, and stopped by going down, and coming back. They then exchanged names. Neither name meant anything to the other, but then the second man started to think that maybe he did know the other man from somewhere.
After about another thirty or forty seconds, the first man snapped his fingers and said, "I know where I know you from!". It turned out that they had served together for about a year, aboard the same destoyer in the Pacific during W.W.2, 49 YEARS EARLIER!
I know that this is a bit "long winded", but I thought it was pretty neat, and I just wanted to share it with you...
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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 25 Mar 2004 8:25 pm    
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I enjoyed your recollection Jimmie. These stories are bittersweet due to the circumstances in which they first met.
They share a special bond, serving under threat of harm or death that those of us that haven't endured the experience can only imagine. And they remain silent in their heroism.

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Dennis Lobdell


Post  Posted 25 Mar 2004 11:18 pm    
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Good story Jimmie. Dennis
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Leigh Howell

Edinburgh, Scotland * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 26 Mar 2004 9:41 am    
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Thanks for sharing that memory with us. It's very inspiring. And what a time they must have had remembering!!!

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