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Niklas Widen


Uppsala, Sweden
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2004 10:18 am    
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The music school I'm studying at now has given me the opportunity to study one year at the Janacek conservatory in Prague, Czech Republic. I wonder if anyone knows if there are any country bands without steel there (I want some gigs! ? ) Also, I know there aren't any czech steelers listed on onlinesteelers.com, but maybe someone here happens to know one?

/Nicke Wídén
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Bob Hoffnar

Austin, Tx
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2004 11:03 pm    
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Skip the country gigs and dig into the concert music scene over there. I'm always shocked at how steel players in Europe ignore there own very thriving concert music scene. Composers and improv guys are way into the steel. When I was just starting out I got all the gigs I could handle in NYC just by being open minded to new forms. Also if the school is associated with a modern dance program there is plenty of open doors for steel players. I used to play duets with a dancer at the conservatory I went to. It was one of the most fullfilling musical and artistic experiences of my life.

I'll let you in on a secret of mine if you promise not to spread it around. Concert music gigs pay much more money than bar gigs. You get treated better also.

It drives me nuts when I'm over there and in the middle of this fantasticly fertile musical ground steel players don't seem to notice what they
have all around them.

So much for my big dumb opinions !

Good luck finding whatever you are looking for and with school.


BTW: What are you working on in school ? I was a classical comp major.

[This message was edited by Bob Hoffnar on 02 January 2004 at 11:04 PM.]

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Walter Stettner

Vienna, Austria
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2004 2:21 am    
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Hi Niklas,

I don't know much about the music scene in Prague, but Prague is only a four hour drive from Vienna (where I am). If you ever have some time to pass, just drop me a note, may visiting Vienna will be of some interest and fun for you!

Regards, Walter

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Niklas Widen


Uppsala, Sweden
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2004 7:57 am    
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Hey Bob, thanks for you reply! I'm currently studying classical guitar and music theory here at our local music school (been there since I was 8 or 9 - just students up to 20 are allowed, so I'll be thrown out this spring! ) The year in Prague they offer is meant to prepare students for higher grade studies.

I just got this offer, so I haven't learned that much about the school or its teachers, but a dream is studying jazz harmony and improvisation concepts for a guitarist or pianist, and apply it to the pedal steel. I hope that would be possible, but I'm not sure about this school being strictly classical or if there are jazz some teachers. However, I don't feel like studying classical guitar at a higher level, so we'll see what I decide...

And Walter, visting Vienna would sure be great! Would be cool to meet, so I'll let you know if I go there some time!

/Nicke W
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Edinburgh, Scotland
Post  Posted 5 Jan 2004 3:17 am    
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lucky you! Great city, lots to do and see, great bars and restaurants (yes, the food IS good, despite what the guidebooks say!) and lots going on musically.
You'll love it there!
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