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Author Topic:  Blues tuning; A13b9?
John Kavanagh


Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 12 Sep 2000 8:59 am    
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oops, I mean A13#9, sort of a bogus name anyway.

I stumbled on this tuning this morning: Ac#ef#gac'e'. It feels great for blues and rock: The low strings suit a lot of bassy low licks, and the top four are C6, with the bend on 2 bringing it up to A7. I guess it's an alternative to the other 8-string versions of A7/C6. I don't even know what to call it. A6/C6? A6/7/C6? You could call it A13#9, I suppose... The major/minor (or 7#9) chord
on strings 2347 sounds pretty cool to me, and so does 1235 (a D9 without the root).

Anybody else use this tuning? I can hardly wait to jam with it.

D-8: G6; A13#9 (for now)

[This message was edited by John Kavanagh on 13 September 2000 at 06:13 PM.]

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