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Rick Collins


Claremont , CA USA
Post  Posted 22 Aug 2000 8:41 am    
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With your permission, I, once again need to probe your very analytical mind.

I play a lot of Hawaiian music on a Fender dual 8, with a 22&1/2" scale. I am doing some research now and plan to design and build a dual 9-string steel guitar when I retire. I like to stand and play with no volume pedal when I play Hawaiian steel.

I am going to build a mock-up on a piece of solid maple to experiment with scale length and string spacing. I'm using an E-66 pick-up.

I want to make a scale length of about 24" and space the fine strings farther apart than the bass strings. On 9 strings, string 5 is the center. I will space strings 5 thru 1, one thirty second farther apart than the Fender spacings and , 5 thru 9 one sixteenth closer than the Fender.

I find that I do about all my slants on the finer strings and use the bass strings for a lot of bottom chords and maybe some single string runs.

I have never seen string spacings like this. Do you think this would be too awkward for good playing? Do you think you could get comfortable with this arrangement in a short time?

You can see that the fine strings farther apart even with the longer scale, would help with some difficult slant positions on the lower part of the neck. The E-66 pickup, with the bar magnet will accommadate the spacing arrangement.

It seems feasible to me. Ever getting comfortable with it is what concerns me.

Thanks, Rick

[This message was edited by Rick Collins on 22 August 2000 at 09:44 AM.]

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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 22 Aug 2000 9:51 am    
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I am humbled! Thank you.

I have never thought about string spacing being different on the same neck. But sounds feasible to me. And yes slants would be easier if the spacing was wider.

I can only think of one caveat if I was playing it. That is a roll using 2 strings at a time from top top to bottom or vice versa. May get a litte tricky. But then what isn't until the brain/hands become coordinated? If not we would never have walked!!!

It is a well know fact that the longer the scale the better the sustain. So you just may have hit upon something.

When you get an idea, GO FOR IT MAN. Naysayers have always abounded thru out history. It is creativity and new ideas that make life better for all.

God bless you with your endeavors, and may he guide you in the best way to do it.

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Maurie Junod


Oak Forest, Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 23 Aug 2000 8:53 am    
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Hi Rick,

Pardon my intrusion. Check out this guitar
built by Tom Alexander. It has the varied
string spacing plus a 27" scale and a powerful battery operated EMG pickup made by
Overland, Santa Rosa, CA.

This was gleaned from his LP album by Maple.

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Rick Collins


Claremont , CA USA
Post  Posted 23 Aug 2000 10:29 am    
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Thanks Maurie,

That's what I have in mind for a double 9-string. I think it's very playable.

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J D Sauser

Wellington, Florida
Post  Posted 23 Aug 2000 10:58 am    
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I think that I would ask all these questions to your right hand...
While the eyes communicate constantly whith the players left hand (bar hand), the right hand has to work out there in the "dark", so it feels it's way through the strings... Will your right hand be happy if things aren't constant anymore? Over time, it will certainly learn to cope with the new topography of it's work place... the question remaining then is, how much time will it take or how much time are you willing to give your right hand?

Work is only for people who don't steel jaydee@bellsouth.net

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