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Author Topic:  Mike Auldridge at Lyle Lovett concert
Chris Walke


St Charles, IL
Post  Posted 11 Aug 2000 6:37 am    
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What a treat! Went to the Chicago Theatre last night for the Lyle Lovett show. Mike Aulridge played some beautiful stuff. My only qualm with the show was the violin kept drowning Mike out. Oh, and the fact that I was on the wrong side of the room (DOH!!), as far from Mike as I could get. But what I heard was wonderful and inspirational. Can't wait to pull my Dobro out today!!

Everybody was fantastic...but hey, you can't go wrong with Mike Auldridge, Sam Bush, Victor Krauss, John Hagen, etc...

Nickel Creek opened. Talented, very young bluegrass-style band. It was a most enjoyable evening.

So far, I've seen Jerry Douglas and Mike Auldridge. Now, if I could only catch a show with Rob Ickes playing...I guesss that would cover my own holy trinity of reso players.
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