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Author Topic:  Hilton Pedal #2
Mark van Allen

Watkinsville, Ga. USA
Post  Posted 9 Aug 2000 9:26 pm    
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Not quite the same as my post on this on Bar Chatter- I've had one of Keith's original Infra-Red pedals for a good while now, and the only complaint I have is that I couldn't use it on my Mullen D-10 and my Sierra 8 string at the same time (needing to switch back and forth, sometimes within the same song, etc.) So I've gotten another, and the new (2000) models are even better! Really nice gray crackle finish, smooth solid feel- and the sound is awesome! It really is like taking the blanket off your amp if you've been using ANY pot pedal. My Sierra sounds so much better through the Hilton pedal, fuller, much clearer in the high end and with better tighter definition in the low end. I can't stress enough what a positive difference this will make in your sound. Thanks Keith, for such a great product and for being such a great guy to deal with!

Mark van Allen-"Blueground Undergrass" Pedal, Non-Pedal, Lap, and Dobro
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