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Author Topic:  Money Talks, And You Know What Walks
Craig A Davidson

Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2001 5:05 pm    
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I see a posting on the humor section that has nothing to do with humor whatsoever. But, the way I'm told, the party posting can do what they what because they contribute to the forum. So I guess what the deal is guys, if you kick in enough bucks you can post whereever you want, when you want and it doesn't matter. That's the way it looks to me. I don't need any ads as far as any kind of guitars are concerned. That's all it is; A round-about way to advertise for a company. I've had postings that were moved because they had nothing to do with the topic, and I got the angry bOb face when I did it. I even pleaded for Janice to leave the Chet Atkins posting where it was, but that couldn't be. I guess Chet never gave the forum enough money. I can't afford to give any, so I guess I don't matter. What about the rest of you?

1985 Emmons push-pull, Session 500, Nashville400, 65 re-issue Fender Twin, Fender Tele

[This message was edited by Craig A Davidson on 30 July 2001 at 08:56 PM.]

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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2001 5:24 pm    
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My reply is where Craig posted his original complaint, so read it there (in Humor).

Craig also wrote:
I don't need any ads as far as any kind of guitars are concerned. That's all it is; A round-about way to advertise for a company.
If you go to the site in question, the only mention of Carter Steel Guitars is the tagline at the very bottom of the page that says, simply, "website provided and maintained by Carter Steel Guitars".

By that yardstick, the Forum itself is just a "round-about way to advertise" my mail-order business. To that I say "So what?" This is a capitalist society. People can't provide a high-quality service for zero compensation unless they are rich enough to finance it themselves.

Advertising is how we offset the cost of these hi-tech sociological adventures. I think it's a small price to pay, and it's relatively benign in the overall scheme of things.


-b0b-   quasar@b0b.com
-System Administrator
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Post  Posted 30 Jul 2001 6:08 pm    
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Don't worry about it. Not that you seem worried, but it's not worth arguing with some people. I've been reading this forum for three years and participating in it for somewhat less than that, but I've never seen you post anything that I thought of as self-serving or self-aggrandizing, nor have I thought of you as some kind of shill or mouthpiece for any manufacturer or private concern. Yes, you should be able to raise some cash to support this venture, and no, I don't suppose you're getting rich doing it, but if you were - more power to you.

Take care,
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John Paul Jones


San Diego
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2001 6:42 pm    
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Hey, b0b.

I'm with you on this. This forum is your baby. You started it. You maintain it. And if someone doesn't like it let them quit bitching and get this great steel guitar information somewhere else (as if they could).

Personally, I hope you figure out a way to make a mint with this website because you have financed it out of your own pocket for the benefit of us steel pickers for a long time.

Nobody is forced to come on this forum. They do it volunteerily, so nobody has a right to bitch about it.

Keep up the great work and don't sweat the small stuff.

And, do it the way you want to. The rest of us appreciate it.

John Paul Jones
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Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2001 6:53 pm    
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What about the rest of you?

Since you asked...

This is the Steel Guitar Forum, it's not a 2nd Grade classroom where some "wronged" 7-year-old child can raise his hand, whine at the teacher, and say "but you treated Johnny differently! That's NOT FAIR! WAHHHHH!"

The Steel Guitar Forum is b0b's site, and it's his to run as he sees fit. It's not a democracy, and we are all here by b0b's generosity and good will. He's done such a great job that he has single-handedly transformed the way steel guitarists communicate with each other and frequently market their services. He has received awards of honor for his efforts, and even those honors are sorely lacking, IMHO.

The Carter Steel Guitar Company has, additionally, provided more useful and non-sales/promotional information about steel guitar on their own website, at their own cost, than all the rest of the steel guitar industry combined! Check out all the company websites, and all the pickers websites. Then do the math.

b0b, John, and Ann don't just "talk the talk," they "walk the walk."

If anyone is unhappy with this situation, they should go to alt.guitar.lap-pedal where they can post whatever they want, wherever and whenever they want to. And they can even order "hot Teenage XXX videos" there as well. Buon apetito as they say in Rome.

Herb's Steel Guitar Pages
Texas Steel Guitar Association

[This message was edited by Herb Steiner on 30 July 2001 at 07:55 PM.]

[This message was edited by Herb Steiner on 30 July 2001 at 07:59 PM.]

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Craig A Davidson

Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2001 7:55 pm    
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OK, gang I am willing to admit being shot down. I don't like it, but, I believe that's the way this thing is gonna go. So, I'll retract my statement but, I still believe what I believe. You can't hang me for that. I will just ask that we close this before it gets out of hand, which I think it could. I will live one way or the other, no matter how things are done.

1985 Emmons push-pull, Session 500, Nashville400, 65 re-issue Fender Twin, Fender Tele

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Bobbe Seymour


Hendersonville TN USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2001 8:24 pm    
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So why is everyone jumping on Craig? He just voiced a innocent opinion! If we jump on everyone like we just did poor Craig,everyone is going to be afraid to ever post an opinion, lets just thank him for voiceing his opinion and go on. Lets not drive someone off the forum for being honest and expressing the thoughts in their heads.Remember Ole? I thought we'd never get him back.This forum has a lot of mental power and a lot of people take it very seriously.Lets all be careful with each others emotions. I had a terrible "run in" with Craig a while back, said somethings I'm sorry for now.Also found out that he is a great guy with an opinion he likes to express once in a while,We all have one of those ,This is just my opinion so jump on!
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2001 10:17 pm    
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I'm closing this topic. I apologize for coming back so strongly with attitude. It's not been one of my better days.
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