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Janice Brooks

Pleasant Gap Pa
Post  Posted 7 Apr 2001 1:00 pm    
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Anyone who has CMT has probably noticed by now that CMT has chosen to remove songwriter credits from the video identifier/captions before and after the video airs. Their reasoning? "MTV does it, so we will too".

Therefore the Nashville Songwriters Association International is staging a rally on Music Row, across from the CMA building, on April 16th at 10a, to show their displeasure at this situation. If you support songwriters, contact NSAI at (615) 256-3354 for more info on the rally & come out in support!!!!!!

Janice "Busgal" Brooks
ICQ 44729047
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John Floyd


Post  Posted 8 Apr 2001 12:46 am    
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This is BAD news, I've seen it coming for years. Most of the Local Acts refer to a song as a Waylon Jennings Song or Whoever recorded a particular song, Never giving credit to the Songwriter. This is Criminal in my mind. This is not an analogy of the Chicken and The Egg. Its plainly clear that the song came first and the Artist is just a vehicle for it to be heard by the public. Ownership of a song doesn't pass to whoever recorded it. Still belongs to the songwriter. Maybe this is one of the reasons CMT decided to Drop the Songwriter credits.

I've always told the singers in bands I have worked with, if you don't know who wrote it, you have no business singing it.

JCF (The Picker formerly known as Sleepy John)

[This message was edited by John Floyd on 08 April 2001 at 06:50 AM.]

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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 8 Apr 2001 4:53 am    
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Just another sign that the music business is getting rid of it's old Fart ways for the ever improving industry. Hear that BH and Rayman? things is just getting better now where is that bridge for sale at?


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Post  Posted 8 Apr 2001 7:48 pm    
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That's odd, i wonder why it is necessary to drop that practice? Well, it doesn't change the amount on the royalty checks.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 9 Apr 2001 3:48 am    
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Obviously the songwriters feel cheated that they won't be recognized in the credits. But considering CMT was brought under control of the same management that has MTV it was only a matter of time before CMT mirrored MTV.

However, there are very few that can really tell you who wrote most songs. There are some that are associated with the songwriter, but most are associated with the singer. To the people in the audience, they only know the song by "who dunnit" not by who wrote it and you really have to give them something they can relate to.

I was at a Jack Greene show last winter and he did give the songwriter on each song but it really went over the heads of the audience. They could care less, they were there to see Jack Greene and hear him sing his hit songs.
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John Floyd


Post  Posted 9 Apr 2001 12:06 pm    
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Nice to see you on here spewing all of your Opinions out again. Pretty good for a guy who's only experience with Music is listening to it in some dive on a jukebox while he is drinking up his retirement check.

How did you stretch your retirement check out for 9 days this month, you usually are broke and trying to drink Aftershave lotion after about 7 usually.
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Janice Brooks

Pleasant Gap Pa
Post  Posted 9 Apr 2001 3:16 pm    
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Got a news release today. it seems now that CMT is brodcast out of NJ, thay are stuck because MTV/VH1 does not have enouth lines in their label setup

Janice "Busgal" Brooks
ICQ 44729047
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David Pennybaker


Conroe, TX USA
Post  Posted 9 Apr 2001 5:55 pm    
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Gee, it must take a lot of effort to add in an additional line, huh?

I'd do it for free, if I didn't have to fly to NJ to do it.

The Unofficial Photographer of The Wilkinsons

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John Floyd


Post  Posted 10 Apr 2001 4:33 am    
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Retcop Come up to Tarheel Country, Your "Favorite" one is on me.

JCF (The Picker formerly known as Sleepy John)

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Post  Posted 10 Apr 2001 5:24 pm    
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retcop88 wrote:

It does hurt a struggling writers credability

I don't think it makes a bit of difference in that respect. If a writer has a song playing on CMT then they already have their connections... it becomes part of their resume.

Like Jack Stoner says, the average person doesn't care who wrote the song, only who sang it.

A few years ago all the local news channels in my area started listing credits for their live remotes saying "joe shmoe- cinimatographer". It was so lame, they finally did away with it. I mean, come on, it's the "camera guy" and i'm not too impressed with his ability to stand still, turn the light on and roll tape.
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John Macy


Rockport TX/Denver CO
Post  Posted 10 Apr 2001 5:50 pm    
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Songwriters Reach Credits Accord With CMT
Celebration Planned

Nashville, TN — The Nashville Songwriters Association
International (NSAI) and Country Music Television
(CMT) today announced that CMT will restore
songwriter credits on all music videos broadcast on

"NSAI wants to thank CMT for understanding the
importance of songwriters and understanding the
meaning of NSAI’s motto, ‘It All Begins With A
Song,’" said NSAI Executive Director Barton Herbison.

John Sykes, President of CMT and VH1, and CMT Sr.
Vice-President and General Manager Paul Hastaba
contacted NSAI today to announce their decision to
restore the writer credits.

"CMT and both John Sykes and Paul Hastaba
deserve praise and credit for understanding the
importance of allowing their viewers to know who
wrote the songs that are broadcast on their network.
They have agreed to explore solutions to technical
limitations they must confront in order to find a way
to include the songwriter credits," Herbison

The Nashville Songwriters Association International
was founded in 1967 by 42 of Nashville’s then-80
songwriters for the express purpose of getting
songwriters names on records. They accomplished
that goal, and NSAI has grown to become the world’s
largest songwriters trade association with chapters in
more than 100 cities worldwide.

"This issue was so important to songwriters that it
produced the biggest outcry in the organization’s
recent history," said Herbison. "We had originally
scheduled a rally to express our concerns to CMT.
That rally is now going to become a victory
celebration and a thank-you party to honor CMT’s

The rally is set for 10 am on Monday, April 16, at
the park across from the Country Music Association
on Music Row. CMT President Paul Hastaba will be in
attendance at the rally.

Political leaders in the Metro Council, Tennessee
General Assembly and the United States Congress
had planned statements or resolutions to encourage
CMT to change their minds. NSAI wants to thank the
politicians who support our craft and now encourage
them to praise CMT for recognizing the importance
of songwriters.

Likewise, NSAI encourages its members and the
music industry to contact CMT and thank them for
their decision and to do everything possible to
support the network.

According to Herbison, Paul Hastaba promised that
songwriting credits will re-appear in the near future.
To paraphrase Hastaba: "Those credits were
originally removed for technical reasons. CMT heard
from the songwriting community and listened. Now
we are working with the technical staff to make it
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