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Ron Page


Penn Yan, NY USA
Post  Posted 11 May 2000 8:22 am    
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LeeAnn Rimes suing her father

The lawsuit alleges Mr. Rimes and Mr. Walker, acting as the singer's co-managers, charged unreasonable fees and manipulated LeAnn's company for their own gain. The two men were at times getting as much as 30 percent of LeAnn's income, according to the lawsuit.

"An artist of LeAnn's stature should only have to pay 10 percent . . . or less for competent management services," the lawsuit states. "Wilbur Rimes and Lyle Walker operated LREI (LeAnn Rimes Entertainment Inc.) in complete and total disregard for the rights of LeAnn Rimes . . . and wrongfully usurped millions of dollars from LREI and LeAnn for their own benefit."

Live and learn. Or shall I say, big deal! Too bad her dad didn’t do a better job of looking out for her interests, but you don’t get to sue someone every time you make a bad business decision. She should take her new manager, new deal and move on. Too much future ahead for this young star to bother with this sort of thing.

[This message was edited by Ron Page on 11 May 2000 at 09:23 AM.]

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Brentwood, TN USA
Post  Posted 11 May 2000 8:40 am    
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I doubt whether "LeeAnn's stature" will ever equal Elvis Presley's. Colonel Tom Parker received 50% and never permitted Elvis to perform outside the US (immigration problems with Parker). If anybody had a basis for a lawsuit, it would've been Elvis. And then there's the children sueing parents thing. Honor thy father & mother is probably the hardest commandment to uphold, and we're seeing that problem more and more. Best, Boomer
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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 11 May 2000 9:07 am    
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Since LeAnn is still a minor, her mother is filing the suit in her behalf. That could be true, but it's also possible that the whole lawsuit is the result of sour grapes from an ugly divorce.

Seems like every child singing star's life turn into a soap opera at some point.
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Ron Page


Penn Yan, NY USA
Post  Posted 11 May 2000 9:10 am    
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Ah! I think you're on to something there, b0b. Maybe that's the 30% -- mom, dad, and manager.

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Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 11 May 2000 10:17 am    
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The song "No Charge" keeps running through my head...

I've heard of one spouse using the children against the other spouse in a bitter divorce, but when the child is a multi-gazillionaire performer, well, that is and unusual situation.

Herb's Steel Guitar Homesite

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BJ Bailey


Jackson Ms,Hinds
Post  Posted 11 May 2000 10:38 am    
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Other than this Walker fellow, seems as tho she was keeping it in the family.

If she runout she always had Dad there with all his love ,would give his child some chunk change to spend?

BJ Bailey

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Ron Page


Penn Yan, NY USA
Post  Posted 11 May 2000 10:50 am    
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My daughter is 17, hasn't made much money making pizzas, but I'm certain the absolute last person on God's green earth she would sue is yours truly.

I hadn't thought about that until BJ's post. Maybe money and a career took priority of a normal father-daughter relationship.

I think they need to chill a little and tell the lawyers to ...

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John Macy


Rockport TX/Denver CO
Post  Posted 11 May 2000 11:59 am    
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I sure don't know any competent managers taking 10% or less.
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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 11 May 2000 2:47 pm    
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The whole thing's rather distateful, isn't it?
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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 11 May 2000 3:07 pm    
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You said,

"And then there's the children sueing parents thing. Honor thy father & mother is probably the hardest commandment to uphold, and we're seeing that problem more and more."

Even though the entire secular world will no doubt reject this, HE told us that in the "last days" children would turn on their parents.


Walk with Jesus and ALL things will be good,

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Robbie Bossert


Post  Posted 11 May 2000 4:21 pm    
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More real world problems. Poor simple folk like this going through such a hard time. How are thet ever gonna' afford that mansion now?
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John Macy


Rockport TX/Denver CO
Post  Posted 11 May 2000 8:55 pm    
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IF the allegations are true

"Ms. Rimes hired accountants to investigate her former husband and Mr.
Walker last fall, Mr. Rhodus said. They learned that between 1996 and
1999, Mr. Rimes and Mr. Walker received more than $8 million in
royalties - $5 million more than LeAnn herself, according to the suit.

The filing also claims that the men entered an improper business
arrangement with a transportation company and a life insurance agent -
Mr. Walker's son, Layne Walker. They are also alleged to have used
LeAnn's company to float themselves no-interest loans. "

is that really the "child turning on the parent"?? Should you bow down and honour a parent that takes that kind of advantage of of a child?

Having your father make some bad business decisions for you is one thing, ripping you off is another.

[This message was edited by John Macy on 11 May 2000 at 09:57 PM.]

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Brentwood, TN USA
Post  Posted 11 May 2000 9:53 pm    
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John - Its entirely plausible that Mr. Rimes would receive more income from record sales than LeeAnn in the following familiar scenario (not that this is their arrangement): Will Rimes pays for everything initially (recording costs, showcases, etc.) before LeeAnn has a record deal. LeeAnn is signed to Will's production company which, when an eventual recording contract is signed will culminate in the artist receiving 50% of the royalties and the production company receiving 50% after recoupment of the initial investment (A standard procedure). If Will Rimes as an individual is also managing, there is another percentage there; end result: more legitimate income from record sales for Will Rimes than for LeeAnn. While its dangerous to extrapolate, as none of us know all of the details from both sides, I can see where, in a divorce proceeding, Ms. Rime could cry "conflict of interest" on Mr. Rime, and therein would be the basis for a lawsuit. Doesn't make for a Hallmark moment at Christmas, sad to say. Best, Boomer
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tim duvall


Post  Posted 12 May 2000 2:53 am    
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This totally floors me for this reason. Her dad picked up everything(i.e.sold his hunting dogs) and moved to Nashville so that she could start singing. And because she didn't get the extra couple million or so, she is sueing. I'm 22 and there is nothing i enjoy more than be able to help my parents out now and then. What is wrong with her? It's not like she is hurting for money or anything. Let your dad get a "little" extra money. After all, if it wouldn't have been for him, she wouldn't be where she is today. she is just one spoiled brat.
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Hendersonville, TN USA
Post  Posted 12 May 2000 5:48 am    
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Shirley Temple had the same problem. Her father and uncle "invested" her earnings. When she became an adult and demanded her money they broke the news that she was broke.
She said that she would have made the movies even had she known that she would never profit from them.
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John Macy


Rockport TX/Denver CO
Post  Posted 12 May 2000 7:54 am    
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You are exactly right about the production company contract. By the time it is manipulated and includes management and publishing, it can be an incredibly one-sided and evil agreement. It is being commonly used in the black music community now to exploit naive rapper and r&b artists. In some production company contracts, artists are getting less than 10% of the take.

It's bad enough to exploit an artist with a one-sided deal, but your own daughter.....

But we're all just speculating on the unknown.

By the way, how can I get one of your CD's??? I can't wait to hear it.
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Jeff Coffell


Killeen Texas
Post  Posted 12 May 2000 8:17 am    
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Wonder how many countless hours he invested in her before anyone ever knew her name? Bet he has sold or hocked a lot of his personals for many years just to promote her in one way or another. How much was he making then.

Would she be what she is now without her Dad? I doubt it very much. I've heard stories of the countless hours that her Dad has invested in her future as a country????? Star.

I bet Jr. Knight could give us an idea of his commitment to her future.

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John Macy


Rockport TX/Denver CO
Post  Posted 12 May 2000 8:47 am    
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Let's say that Mr. Rimes DID invest countless hours and hocked personal belongings to get her career going.

And let's say IF the allegations are true, does that give him the right to misdirect money, cut sweetheart deals with business associates, and who knows what else is under the surface?

Since this is all speculation anyway, this is enough from me on the subject. It sounds like a sad situation anyway you cut it. I truly hope I have enough love, caring and respect for my children that something like this would never happen in my house.
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Marty Pollard


Post  Posted 13 May 2000 6:04 pm    
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Money does funny things to people.

Wish it would do something funny to me.
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Joe Casey

Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)
Post  Posted 14 May 2000 3:34 am    
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Were talking millions here,A child of still under 2o with a 5 million income and future earnings. If all was invested in her name then she either can recover or let it go. I understand how hard it can be to get by with a measely 5 mil at 18. Honor thy father and mother, Screw the lawyer.


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BJ Bailey


Jackson Ms,Hinds
Post  Posted 14 May 2000 9:15 pm    
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And as the great plilophead Marty Polock stated===Money doese funny things to people?

I even get alittle tickled when I get awhold of some money

BJ Bailey

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Smiley Roberts


Hendersonville,Tn. 37075
Post  Posted 14 May 2000 11:12 pm    
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Marty's a "Polock"? I didn't know that!

  ~ ~

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Ric Nelson


Silver Spring, Maryland
Post  Posted 16 May 2000 8:29 am    
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Well Smiley, as he said, money does funny things to people.

[This message was edited by Ric Nelson on 16 May 2000 at 09:30 AM.]

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Theresa Galbraith


Goodlettsville,Tn. USA
Post  Posted 16 May 2000 1:26 pm    
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I agree with you!
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chris ivey

california (deceased)
Post  Posted 16 May 2000 5:03 pm    
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anybody wanna buy some neat willie nelson songs, cheap?
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