I like this little S-10 Pushpull. But i'm used to setting back from the steel when playing. So if i dont trade it for a SD-10 or a SD- 12 pushpull before long i will probably order some of the fold down extensions I'v seen on pushpulls and it would be much better. I would really like to hav one with 4 pedals atleast and 5 0r 6 Knees one being a Vertical. Forsure 4 and a Vertical. One guy told me the Universal 12 with pad has a D-12 body, A monster body and real heavy. Does all 12 string pushpulls have the extra big bodys? If you dont have free long distance at night or weekends call me and i'll call you back if you have any ideas. 614-316-1267 Lots of people at a show for 2 days this past weekend looked this steel over and thought it was extra nice.[This message was edited by Gary Steele on 24 January 2006 at 01:36 PM.]