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Author Topic:  8 string E9 psg tab
Jerry H. Moore

Newnan, GA, USA
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2007 3:30 pm    
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I'm struggling trying to read 10 and 12 string E9 tab on my Fender 1000 8 string. Mostly because of strings 1 and 2. It does work but it starts playing tricks on my eyes after a while. Is there any easier way without copy/paste/edit etc.? The easy way, I know, is to have a 10 string, but I don't. This old Fender is great and one day I'll trade up but not now. Maybe never. Moon would be proud to hear that, huh? Let's don't even talk about the C6 neck. The REBEL site is wonderful. Are there any more like that? Thanks for any help. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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