Hi again:
Having played both "pedals" and non-pedals, I can sympathise with your situation. Depending on what version of E-13th you're working on -- that might be as close as you can get without pedals. BC used alot of pedals, especially on the his slower stuff. It won't be quite the same sound but you can get alot of his stuff on a E6th -- he used a lot of "6th" intervals which he got by dropping off a pedal and going up a couple of frets: reaching up for another string will not give you exactly the same effect but it is worth a try. For this, I use an E6th:
E-C#-B-G#-E-C#-B-E (E6th)
My first variation to this was to put a light string on in the 8th position tuned a half-tone below the first -- this adds greatly to the flexibility. That neck is currently tuned:
E-C#-B-G#-F#-D-B-D#(high)-- not sure if I would recommend this set-up, yet!
It is a cross between Herb Remington's & Leon MacAuliff's E13th tunings -- the first six string are the same. (this is what they use for Steel Guitar Ragg)
[This message was edited by Charlie Fullerton on 11-22-99]