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Author Topic:  Deep Water" question for Jeff Lampert
Nic du Toit

Milnerton, Cape, South Africa
Post  Posted 16 Aug 2004 1:40 pm    
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I am in the process of writing the C6th tablature for John Hughey's 'Deep Water' and would appreciate some help on a certain section of his playing. Please refer to this MP3 - about one second from the start he does something on the front strings (?), and between 4 and five seconds there's another passing fill that leaves me guessing. Can anybody shed some light on this?? Any help will be appreciated.

Nic du Toit
1980 Emmons P/P
Peavey Session 500
NEW CD "Nightmare on Emmons Steel"

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Jeff Lampert


queens, new york city
Post  Posted 17 Aug 2004 10:07 am    
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I tabbed the chord on the high strings for you. It's an E9. The other lick has a dissonance in it that's hard for me to place. It's an augmented E9 chord, so there could be a dissonance between the C and B note of the chord. If you can send me Johh Hughey's copedent, it would help. I want to make sure there isn't some wierd pedal that he might be using for the disonnace. .. Jeff



[url=http://www.mightyfinemusic.com/jeff's_jazz.htm]Jeff's Jazz[/url]
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Nic du Toit

Milnerton, Cape, South Africa
Post  Posted 18 Aug 2004 12:39 am    
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Hi Jeff,
Thanks for your reply. I have been playing E9th for quite a number of years now (Emmons P/P). Recently a friend of mine, Peter den Hartogh, bought himself a Sho-Bud D10 (from someone on the forum) and left the instrument with me to see if I could get along with the C6 tuning. So far it's been okay. Unfortunately I do not have the setup for John Hughey. The recording was made a few years ago, so I don't even know if his tuning was then the same as per the Winnie Winston book. As you rightly say, there is a dissonance in the lick that sounds like some pedal change specially for this type of sound. It seems I will have to be creative and substitute the line with one of my own. Pity.
Thanks again for your time and ideas.

Nic du Toit
1980 Emmons P/P
Peavey Session 500
NEW CD "Nightmare on Emmons Steel"

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Post  Posted 18 Aug 2004 2:03 am    
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Hey Nic !
Why don't you just mail John Hughey and ask him ?

John Hughey Music
P. O. Box 971
Hendersonville, TN 37077-0971

[This message was edited by Peter on 18 August 2004 at 06:47 AM.]

Jeff Lampert


queens, new york city
Post  Posted 18 Aug 2004 4:43 am    
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I listened again and there is a movement of an E->F->F#. He might have a full tone lower on string 2 with a half stop, or he may play string 1 (assuming a high D note), raise it a half tone, then go to string 2. This is all done playing the middle strings at fret 2 with pedal 5 and the knee lever that raises string 4 from A->Bb. Until I actually hear it played, I can't know for sure.

[url=http://www.mightyfinemusic.com/jeff's_jazz.htm]Jeff's Jazz[/url]
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