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Author Topic:  Sacred Steel for C6 lap. Chuck Campbell run.
Travis Bernhardt


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Post  Posted 22 Jan 2004 1:24 am    
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Chuck Campbell run in A. Played lightning fast over an A vamp in the Campbell Brothers’ song “Jump for Joy.” Originally a very staccato pedal steel speed picking run, but I can’t bring the pedal steel upstairs to the computer without a lot of hassle. So after transcribing it—and before walking downstairs to try to play it on pedal steel—I decided to see if it could be played on a C6 lap steel. It turns out it can be done, but you have to sacrifice the staccato effect and use lots of short slides to get it fast enough. Also, unless you have an 8-string, or tune your guitar low to high ACEGAC, you can’t get the final bass note that the run would end on, so I fudged that bit.

The way I tabbed it it’s basically a walk down the G and A strings in the Dorian mode with a few twists and turns here and there. I THINK I got the notes right, but there are lots of really short fast notes that I would hear differently every time I listened, so if you feel like I’ve got something wrong please tell me.

Played an octave lower than what Chuck’s playing, due to the constraints of the tuning.

Note: There are alternate ways of walking down that produce the same notes—picking string 3 then 4 then sliding down two frets is the same as picking string 3 then sliding down two frets then picking string 4. For me the latter is usually easier, so I’ve tabbed it that way, but obviously you could play it any way you cared to. It sometimes sounds good to mix it up a little—less predictable. Also, there are a couple of spots where there are multiple ways to get the same notes, and I’ve just used my personal preference. Once you know the notes just do it however it sits best for you.

I’m not sure how to notate the way the thing sounds, so you’ll have to hear the sound clip for the flow. I’ll just say that I think it’s in 4/4 but the notes are grouped in threes—not sure if they’re proper triplets, though. I’ve indicated this in the tab, and it’s not as complicated as the tab makes it look.

Edit: I've been hearing this as just a straight A chord all the way through, but it occurs to me now that it might be a D/A on the second beat, returning to the A on the "a" of beat two, then a quick V chord on the "+" of beat four--or at least an E in the bass on that beat.

Chuck Campbell run

And the alternate download site:

Chuck Campbell run (alternate download site)

    1  e  +  a  2  e  +  a  3  e  + a 4 e + a    1  e  +  a  2  e  +  a  3  e  + a 4 e + a

[ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ]

1 e + a 2 e + a 3 e + a 4 e + a 1 e + a 2 e + a 3 e + a 4 e + a
[ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 ] [ 3 hold [slur]

Alternate last bar, one octave higher to match recording:

1 e + a 2 e + a 3 e + a 4 e + a

[This message was edited by Travis Bernhardt on 22 February 2004 at 02:46 PM.]

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Harry Williams


Duncan, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Post  Posted 22 Jan 2004 1:26 pm    
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Hi Travis:

Thx for the tab - look forward to trying it out!!


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Travis Bernhardt


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Post  Posted 20 Feb 2004 11:51 pm    
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Hey hey hey, I finally figured out that there's such thing as a free file hosting service! Check above for the sound clip.

And if you figure out a good way to play it for E9 pedal steel, let me know. It's a little bit daunting (for me, that is ).

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Travis Bernhardt


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Post  Posted 22 Feb 2004 2:47 pm    
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Alternate download site now available for the sound clip. Thanks to Jay.

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