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Post new topic O Barquino (Little Boat) C6/A7 Lap Steel
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Author Topic:  O Barquino (Little Boat) C6/A7 Lap Steel
Andy Volk

Boston, MA
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 10:48 am    
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I've been revisiting the C6th/A7 tuning thanks to some threads on the non-pedal forum this week. Here's my arrangement of the Bossa Nova classic "O Barquino - The Little Boat. Like "How High the Moon", Miles Davis' "Tune Up" and Chris Montez's, "Call Me", the chord progression descends in whole steps and the melody follows suit. I've taken a full chord melody approach and then listed some alternative ways to approach the melody (after the arrangment). It's nice to break things up by using multiple approaches. If you don't know this song, there's a fantastic version by jazz vocalist Karen Allyson on the Prarie Home Companion website here: http://www.prairiehome.org/performances/20020629/index.shtml It starts at 48:40.


LITTLE BOAT (O Barquino) by Roberto Menescal

4/4 or 2/4 Bossa Nova Key of Bb

Arranged for C6th/A7 lap steel

Cmai7 F#dim B7
E --------7------7--------7------|---7---------------|----------------------------------------|
C --------7--12--7---14---7--12--|---7--14--13--12---|----------------------------------------|
A -------7--12--7---14---7--12--|---7--14--13--|2---|----14--14--14--14---14-----------------|
G --------7--12--7---14---7--12--|---7--14--13--12---|----14--14--14--14---14-----------------|
E -----------12------14------12--|------14--13--12---|----14--14--14--14---14-----13--14------|
C# --------------------------------|-------------------|----14--14--14--14---14--------|--------|
|__________ | | gliss

F#dim B7 Bbmai7 Edim A7 Edim A7
E ---------------------------|-----5------5-------5------|----5--------------|--------------------------------|
C ---------------------------|-----5--10--5--12---5--10--|----5--12--11--10--|--------------------------------|
A ----14--14--14--14---14----|-----5--10--5--12---5--10--|----5--12--11--10--|---12--12--12--12---12----------|
G -----14--14--14--14---14----|-----5--10--5--12---5--10--|----5--12--11--10--|---12--12--12--12---12----------|
E ----14--14--14--14---14----|--------10-----12------10--|-------12--11--10--|---12--12--12--12---12--11--12--|
C# -----14--14--14--14---14----|---------------------------|-------------------|---12--12--12--12---12----|-----|
|___________ | | |__________ | | gliss

Edim A7 Abmai7 Ddim
E -------------------------|--- -3-----3-------3-----|----3------------|--------------------------------|
C --------------------------|-----3--8--3--10---3--8--|----3--10--9--8--|--------------------------------|
A ---12--12--12--12---12----|-----3--8--3--10---3--8--|----3--10--9--8--|---10--10--10--10---10----------|
G ---12--12--12--12---12----|-----3--8--3--10---3--8--|----3--10--9--8--|---10--10--10--10---10----------|
E ---12--12--12--12---12 ---|--------8-----10------8--|-------10--9--8--|---10--10--10--10---10--9--10---|
C# --12--12--12--12---12----|-------------------------|-----------------|---10--10--10--10---10----|-----|
|__________ | | |__________ | | gliss

G7 | | Emin7 A7b9 Dmin7 G7b9
E ----------10----8---|------------5--|---6------13--12--|--------3---|---4---------------| |
C ----10---------------|---7-----------|------------------|---5--------|-------------------| |
A ---------------------|---7--------4--|---4--------------|---5----2---|---2---------------| |
G ---------------------|---------------|------------------|------------|-------------------| |
E ---------------------|---------------|------------------|------------|-------------------| |
C# ---10---------------|---------------|------------------|------------|-------------------| |
|_____| |_____|
gliss gliss


Double stops & paraphrasing the melody

Cmai7 F#dim B7

__gliss_____ __gliss_______
| | | |
E ------------------------------|-------------------|---7-7-7-7---7---------|---7---5-------------|
C ---9--10--9--12----9--10------|--9----12--11--10--|------------------5--6-|----------6---6------|
A ---8--10--8--12----8--10------|--8----12--11--10--|---6-6-6-6---6---------|---6---4--6----------|
G ------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------------|--------------5------|
E ------------------------------|-------------------|---5-5-5-5---5----4--5-|---------------------|
C# ------------------------------|-------------------|-----------------------|---------------------|

- Or -

E ---7--8--7--10--7--8---|--7----10--9--8----|
C -----------------------|-------------------|
A -----------------------|-------------------|
G -----------------------|-------------------|
E ---7-8---7--10--7--8---|--7---10--9--8-----|
C# -----------------------|-------------------|

Joa Gilberto-style comping (bass pulse on 1 & 3)


E -----------------------|----------------------|
C ----7----7-----7---7---|------7--7------7-----|
A ----7----7-----7---7---|------7--7------7-----|
G ----7----7-----7---7---|------7--7------7-----|
E ----7----7--7--7---7---|--7---7--7---7--7-----|
C# -----------------------|----------------------|

[This message was edited by Andy Volk on 31 January 2004 at 10:53 AM.]

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Jesse Pearson


San Diego , CA
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 12:12 pm    
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Andy, your dim chords like, E dim at the 12th fret, doesn't look like a dim chord to me because of the lack of a flatted 5th interval. Dim chords has to have 2 minor 3rds stacked on top of each other? E dim = E G Bb. The 12 fret low to high is C# E G A? The 12th fret for your E dim low to high has bb7, Root, minor 3rd and perfect 4th? I would leave the 3rd string out of the voicing and call it C#dim. Can you please explain this to me? Thanks...
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Andy Volk

Boston, MA
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 12:27 pm    
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First of all, let me say that I'm self taught so there are large gaps in my theory knowledge. That said, the chord progression isn't followed chord-for-chord by the steel. The arrangement essentially ignores the diminished chords with the idea that they add some tension to the harmony as the 7th chord to come is anticipatied (Tal Farlow did this a lot). So ... the 12th fret chord is an A7th with the top note as the melody note. While the Abersold chart I have for the tune shows diminsihed chords, on most days, I probably would replace the diminshed chords with minor 7th or Min7b5 chords making it a series of vanilla two fives. So that was my thinking but I'm always willing to un-learn my mistakes!

[This message was edited by Andy Volk on 31 January 2004 at 12:33 PM.]

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Jesse Pearson


San Diego , CA
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2004 1:48 pm    
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Andy, thanks for the music link. Did you notice that Cindy Cashdollars "Hillbilly Bebop" is the "I got Rhythm" changes in C? What a cool head.

[This message was edited by Jesse Pearson on 31 January 2004 at 05:39 PM.]

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Andy Volk

Boston, MA
Post  Posted 1 Feb 2004 12:42 pm    
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Another nice version here: http://s.lumineau.free.fr/musique/musique.htm

I've already changed the way I play it from the version listed above. I don't like the big leaps for the full chords at tempo. I tried voice it in 6ths or playing single notes and prefer that approach.
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