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Author Topic:  Tablature template
Buck Dilly


Branchville, NJ, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2002 6:32 am    
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Is there a tablature program or template that I can use. Or- Is there something in Microsoft Word that is useful for this and would someone be willing to talk me through it. Please respond to buckdilly@yahoo.com.

Steels and Guitars. Emmons PP, Nationals, Dan-O's, ES 340, Tube Amps only! "Blue Sparks From Hell" and "Kings in Disguise".

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Mark van Allen

Watkinsville, Ga. USA
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2002 2:28 pm    
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Hi, Buck, I use a table made in MS Word that works really well. Here's instructions, email me if yiou want an example or have questions. This prints out really well for stuff you want to keep or file. Good luck.
To set up a word table,for tablature, go to the "Table" menu, click "Insert Table" and then choose the number of rows and columns, usually three or four columns and ten rows. You will have to size these to your liking by using the "Table" menu. To do this, select the column you want to resize (drag or use menu commands), then use the "Cell Height and Width" command. Then select
the table (drag the mouse or use the "Table" menu and click "Select Table")
then go to the "Format" menu, click "Borders and Shading", and click "Grid".
Then copy and paste the table three times and you will have four staves of
blank tablature. When you go to enter tab into the blank form, you will have to do it on line at a time, which takes a bit of getting used to- but you'll get it. You can do a small segment of the song at a time by entering the info into one column, then moving onto the next and so on. A little backwards from writing it by hand, but it works well.

Mark van Allen-"Blueground Undergrass" Pedal, Non-Pedal, Lap, and Dobro - c'mon by and visit: www.markvanallen.com

[This message was edited by Mark van Allen on 02 January 2002 at 02:31 PM.]

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Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 2 Jan 2002 3:19 pm    
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MS Excel works well. If you don't have Excel you can download a free Excel viewer.

I have blank Excel Tab paper available for download at www.pedalsteel.tv

I don't use it anymore because I now use tabledit, but that costs $55 and is another story...


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