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Topic: tab w/sound |
Bill Crook
From: Goodlettsville, TN , Spending my kid's inheritance
Posted 1 Sep 2000 5:06 am
O.K. ..... Heres where I show my inability to play using tab stuff, I cannot really decifer(sp?) the tab stuff due to the many different styles of LKL, RKR, etc,etc, Beings that I haven't ever heard some of the riffs, I dont know if I'm playing them right or not !
After reading some of the posts,I think I would like to use some of the runs and such in my playing.
A while back, Oftentimes, there would be a wav file or link to a site that one could hear how the tab sounded attached to the post. Now, that isn't happening. Did b0b ask us to stop pointing to wav files in our post???? Is it a bandwidth problem?
A good place to get riffs and such is "Rick's" tab website. He has the tab and sound files so I know how it's suppose to sound. Unfortunatly, when I attempt to pick oout the tabbed run by single noteing it, It makes no sence what-so-ever. I really like this tabature section as sometimes someone post a riff I can relate to, but in general, I am at lost as to most of it.
Can you say..... H-E-L-P ???
Dave Van Allen
From: Souderton, PA , US , Earth
Posted 1 Sep 2000 10:00 am
I think links to mp3 or Real Audio soundbytes would be great, but it adds a level of complexity that some folks who post may find daunting. It's easy enough (yet still confusing to many) to type in a tab riff, but to:
1. record the riff into a computer.
2. convert that recording to a mp3 or RealAudio file
3. upload that file to (sometimes limited) personal ISP server space
4. insert the correct URL in your post to point to that file
5. have the person downloading the clip be savvy enough to realize they need a program or plug-in to listen to the file...
you see where I am going with this.
b0b might(?) see fit at some point provide server space for audio files (for a fee, like the picture file hosting recently activated)and I feel we could probably come up with some protocols for producing tab/audio files so that there is a standard way for us to share this kind of stuff.
at one point there was an exchange of tab/links to audio on the changes to "Autumn Leaves" that was great. |
Ricky Davis
From: Bertram, Texas USA
Posted 1 Sep 2000 11:08 am
Yeah I simpathize with ya'll on this and I don't even have the means to record on my Computer and can't afford to up that possibility expence. That is mainly why the "Rebel and Ricky" site is usually the only route I will take to tab something, cause hearing and looking go hand 'n hand.
But I think tab without sound or never hearing before is good too. The piece someone may tab is played how they play it and someone learning what they tab will only be an interpretation of their piece and therefore resulting in individualism in making that tab work for them. I'm a huge promoter of this with my students; cause it forces them to listen to themselves and come up with what works for them.
Have fun.
Ricky Davis
Bill Crook
From: Goodlettsville, TN , Spending my kid's inheritance
Posted 1 Sep 2000 11:22 pm
I check your "Rebel and Ricky" site about as regular as I do b0b's great SG forumn. Thanks for all the great tabs AND wav files there. I have learned many intro's and rides to songs, even improvised on a few to the suprise of our band members.
Your site is exactly what I'm talking about. I can take the tab, play it, (kinda one note at a time at first) then listen to the wav file and find out if I'm doing it right.
The sound file is important to me because of the many varied setups of the Steel guitar. I have tried some of the stuff here in the tab section and it sounds like..... well, lets just say it dosen't sound like I thought it would.
Quote: |
at one point there was an exchange of tab/links to audio on the changes to "Autumn Leaves" that was great. |
I checked that out too. It was wonderful number. (eventho I wasn't able to play it right.) Did enjoy it tho.
[This message was edited by Bill Crook on 02 September 2000 at 12:27 AM.] |
Ricky Davis
From: Bertram, Texas USA
Posted 1 Sep 2000 11:48 pm
Hey Bill cool man and thanks for the kind words on the Rebel and Ricky site. Graham Reid is the originator of that site and does the webmastering there and I along with others have tabbed lots. Also others have sent wav. files to Graham that he has put up and it does take some great space on these programs to hold sound files.
It would be cool if there was a way to insert the tab and wav. easy enough for anyone to do; but unfortunatly the capabilities of that is very limited.
Make sure if there is something you would like to hear and tabbed; e-mail Graham and we'll see what we can do.
Ricky[This message was edited by Ricky Davis on 02 September 2000 at 12:49 AM.] |
Larry R
From: Navasota, Tx.
Posted 2 Sep 2000 3:13 pm
Where can I find this Rebel and Ricky site? |
From: Holmdel, NJ
Posted 2 Sep 2000 6:15 pm
I just wanted to jump in here and concur that the "Ricky and Rebel" site has been a big help to me also.
Thanks again , Ricky!!!. My new band asked me if I knew the "Blue Bayou" solo and again you made me look like a pro with your precise tab. It is definately one of my most visited web sites. |
Ricky Davis
From: Bertram, Texas USA
From: Marmora, Ontario, Canada
Posted 4 Sep 2000 3:33 pm
Let me add my thanks, along with Ricky, on the positive comments on our web site.
Ricky is too modest by far! Without his tab and that submitted by others too numerous to mention, the site would just be another Real Audio clip site and nowhere near as popular as it has become.
I thank ALL the people who have contributed to our site, to help make it better for the steel guitar community.
ICQ 614585