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Author Topic:  ? about tab


seattle wa
Post  Posted 24 Jun 1999 12:29 pm    
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I have a question about tab. How do you indicate the time values for notes? How do you indicate rests?
I want to post a song that most people are probably not familiar with, the recording is not widely available and neither is the sheet music. The rhythm of the song is not simple either.
I've seen people write time values underneath tab but it was handwritten tab and you could do rests and quarter/eighth notes. I've also seen people write 1...2...3...4... underneath the tab, but you have to figure out how much time each note is by looking at the beats - seems tricky to show dotted notes and/or rests this way.
Anybody have some ideas for me? I'd be glad to just snail-mail the sheet music to anybody who was interested, if that's the alternative.

P.S. bOb - I emailed you directly about this but my email account was shut off hours after I mailed you - sorry
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