Ricky, I really think this is the way he did that phrase. That half to full “a” pedal
is what I’m hearing. Lots of tension there! The one thing I figured out about
Lloyd a long time ago is that he’s like a billiards player, he takes a shot, but is
always in position for the next one. If I have difficulty figuring out one his licks,
I try to find where he ends up and work backwards and I can almost always
get it using that technique. Jon
3._______12_|_14b_13b_12b__12__11__10___8_________7___7 ~ 7b___|
4.____12_12_|_14c_13c_12c_________________________7___7 ~ 7____|
5._12_12____|_14c_13c_12c__12__11__10___8 1/2-a_____7__ 7 ~ 7a___|
once again my post came out skewed. There is no single note picking, everything should line up in verticle rows.[This message was edited by Jon Graboff on 06-07-99]