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Author Topic:  Pedal Steel, Septeto del Sur in Santiago Chile
Susan Alcorn (deceased)

Baltimore, MD, USA
Post  Posted 26 Dec 2024 3:29 pm    
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Here are two short snippets of some music I wrote and arranged for the Septeto del Sur, six brilliant Chilean musicians, performed on December 1st, 2024 in Santiago, Chile at the Estadio Nacional (home of a notorious former political prison during the Pinochet years) with Septeto del Sur.
for the Septeto del Sur, six brilliant Chilean musicians

The first tune is one titled "Suite Para Todos" (Suite for All) that begins with a slow milonga, then a rather martial sound (which you hear the ending of at the beginning of he video), then free improvisation leading back into the slow milonga form.

"Mercedes Sosa" a tune that I wrote 25 years ago to honor the great Argentinian singer Mercedes Sosa. After the head, we all take turns playing solos, each solo leading into a duet, another solo, another duet, etc. Then we return to the head.

The Septeto del Sur is:

Luis ToTo Alvarez (guitar), Bob Pa Tiño (Rodrigo Bobadilla - flute, quena, zapoña), Carlos Canales Sierra (charango, flutes), Manuel Estay (drums), Amanda Irarrazabal (double bass), Danka Villanueva Bono (violin), and yours truly on the pedal steel guitar.

Here are the links:

Suite Para Todos: https://youtube.com/shorts/d1LXKKX5U4I?feature=share

Mercedes Sosa: https://youtu.be/_2ME1FyKX7k

"So this is how you swim inward. So this is how you flow outwards. So this is how you pray."
- Mary Oliver
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