Tim Toberer
From: Nebraska, USA
Posted 3 Nov 2024 7:47 am
I have been taking a bit of a break from trying to build these things. I decided to pause and spend more time playing my most recent build instead of just plowing forward. I think it is good to stop and reflect in between big projects. Sometimes it is best to just enjoy the fruits of our labour. I am really trying to pinpoint the exact ways to improve my design and make sure I spend my time more wisely.
I have still been building things, just not guitars. I have been trying to improve my workspace. I am adding a DRO to my mill/drill and and getting some additions for my machining setup. A set of adjustable parallels, a new micrometer and edge finders and probably some new endmills. (no more router bits ) I built 2 mini "cyclone" collectors for my shopvacs based on this design. https://www.jpthien.com/cy.htm This design works amazing and these are pretty easy and cheap to build.
Also be careful out there! 2 days ago in a last ditch effort to finish something up, I managed to put a 5/32" drill but THRU the fleshy part of my thumb! I wash rushing and should have been using the drill press, but I was using the hand drill and the bit broke. Now I am taking a break from everything. Thankfully I can tell it will heal up fine, it will just take some time. Patience.... |