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Author Topic:  New Old Guy with ?
Bob McElroy


New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jun 2024 11:33 am    
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At 63YO, some skeletal issues have made me revisit the instrument. As I discovered when I took up mandolin, the overlaps with armpit guitar (in this case, slide technique) exist but I am trying to avoid using as crutches. These would include playing only blues rock licks, 6 string chords, etc.

A lowly Rogue in C6 is kicking my butt but the few moments when I am (nearly) at pitch are joyful. Familiarity with that tuning will remain my goal but I want to start practicing our set list with another in open D/E. I have two Teisco partsacasters that I plan on pressing into service, and extension nuts are due in tomorrow.

Actually using my lap is not a great option for my spine and I am trying to imagine a portable stand/console that would allow me to swap a guitar in and clamp it.

Ideas? I have little faith in the Rogue legs, so in a prefect world the clamps would allow the both Teisco slab bodies and the RLS. I am a hobbyist and am not looking for something 'gig-able'. Rework a walker?

And to any Teisco purists, they are my favorite two electric guitars in the world but have been hogged out many decades ago and hold no collector value.
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