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Author Topic:  resonator cones tone - spun vs stamped
John Groover McDuffie

LA California, USA
Post  Posted 14 Apr 2024 7:33 pm    
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I have a Regal Dobro from the 1930s I believe. It has no sound well and it has a stamped cone. it has, unlike any of my other resos, a very bright and sizzling sound, which I love.
My other two resonators, a Gold Tone, and a Scheerhorn both have spun cones, and they have the more typical mid range throaty tone that I often hear.
I just purchased a Gretsch round neck spider cone resonator which has a soundwell and what appears to be a spun cone also, and also has that throaty mid range sound.
I would love to be able to get that bright sizzly sound out of it, and I’m wondering how much of that comes from the cone and how much from the lack of soundwell.
I am looking on the Internet for anyone selling, stamped cones and I can’t seem to find any except one cheap one from China that looks like it might be either spun or stamped, it has has concentric rings in it as if it were spun, but it has these sort of arced lines embossed into it that look like they must’ve been stamped.
So what are you opinions on whether the lack of sound well contributes to that thin sizzle sound?
and are any of you aware of anywhere that I can find a stamped cone, perhaps someone selling at all the one that they replaced with a sponge cone?
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John Groover McDuffie

LA California, USA
Post  Posted 17 Apr 2024 6:26 pm    
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David Venzke

SE Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 17 Apr 2024 7:41 pm    
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Hey, John. I have no answers, but one suggestion. I'd think about swapping the cones between the Regal and the Gretsch (if possible) and see what the difference in sound is. It will give you a "real" starting point to move forward from (provided it's possible to swap the cones). Best of luck!

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Tim Toberer

Nebraska, USA
Post  Posted 18 Apr 2024 5:31 am    
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Some of the sound could be the age of the cone. I think the cheap cones are stamped. I have never loved the stereotypical sound of spider cone guitars, at least some which of seems to come from playing style and phrasing ala Jerry Douglas. I think his effect on Dobro players is similar to BB Kings effect on blues guitar players. I recently started playing a homebuilt guitar using a cheap spider and cone from Amazon and to my amateurish ear it sounds pretty much identical to most spiders guitars I hear, even with a unique body style. It would be really interesting to hear sound samples of different cones, guitars etc. side by side to get a real sense of the difference in the sounds of different setups. Good luck with your search.
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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 18 Apr 2024 7:22 am    
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I still have this lot of reso parts for sale which includes a stamped lug cone and spider which we believe are an import set.

Shoot me PM if you are interested. JO.
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