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Dennis Montgomery

Western Washington
Post  Posted 3 Mar 2023 10:54 am    
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Hi all,

Another Friday and time for another Pedal Steel Only arrangement! This week I present my arrangement of The Beatles, "She's Leaving Home". It joins "Across the Universe" as the 2nd Beatles arrangement on the playlist.

The playlist also includes pedal steel only arrangements of "Time Waits For No One", "Lady Jane" & "Wild Horses" by the Rolling Stones, "Starman" by David Bowie, "Good Advices" by REM, and several Grateful Dead arrangements: "Ship of Fools", "Candyman", "Rosemary", "Mountains of the Moon", "Row Jimmy", "High Time" & "China Doll".

"She's Leaving Home" can be heard at:


All songs are arranged and performed on a 2019 Mullen G2 SD12 in extended D9.

Thanks for listening!
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Hear my Pedal Steel Only playlist featuring Mullen G2 SD12 on covers like Candyman, Wild Horses, Across the Universe & more...
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David Dorwart

Orlando, Florida, USA
Post  Posted 5 Mar 2023 4:01 am    
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I was drawn to pedal steel ( and banjo ) because of Jerry Garcia. It was later that I inevitably discovered Buddy and Lloyd and the rest of the greats. Working out chord melody arrangements of Dead tunes is a great way to develop an understanding of this majestic instrument. Those songs are so embedded in my musical DNA. Black Muddy River seems like a good one to peel apart - think I’ll go mess around with that one. Thanks for posting!
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Dennis Montgomery

Western Washington
Post  Posted 5 Mar 2023 10:23 am    
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David Dorwart wrote:
I was drawn to pedal steel ( and banjo ) because of Jerry Garcia. It was later that I inevitably discovered Buddy and Lloyd and the rest of the greats. Working out chord melody arrangements of Dead tunes is a great way to develop an understanding of this majestic instrument. Those songs are so embedded in my musical DNA. Black Muddy River seems like a good one to peel apart - think I’ll go mess around with that one. Thanks for posting!

You're very welcome!

I too was drawn to PSG primarily by Jerry (specifically Dire Wolf, Candyman, High Time & The Wheel) but also by other specific songs like "Pride of Cucamonga" with John McFee, the Stones "Torn and Frayed" with Al Perkins, Yes' "To Be Over" with Steve Howe and of course Sneaky Pete on The Burrito's "Christine's Tune" and his guest spot on Frank Zappa's "It Just Might be a One Shot Deal".

I totally agree with you about doing chord/melody arrangements. My understanding of PSG dramatically improved when I began arranging Beatles & Dead songs. You really learn the inner magic of E9 (or in my case Ext D9) when you're trying to find where on the neck you can play the vocal melody AND the chord underneath it at the same fret/bar position. I think it also helps me that I write out the tab for all my arrangements Winking

Have fun with Black Muddy River!
Hear my latest album, "Celestial" featuring a combination of Mullen SD12 and Synthesizers:

Hear my album, "Armistice" featuring Fender 400 on every song:

Hear my Pedal Steel Only playlist featuring Mullen G2 SD12 on covers like Candyman, Wild Horses, Across the Universe & more...
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